Friday, 19 October 2012

Bangsa Malaysia your head lah

Was a very tiring day today.

In the morning stuck for two hours in the traffic jam, coming home stuck for one and a half hour. (back in JB can reached work in 10 minutes the most)

Work is so so. As usual, I just mind my own business. Do things the best that I could and then went home.

Reached home, cooked maggi curry. Put some cili padi, egg and some Chinese cabbage. Can la. Need to be extra thrifty till gaji next week. That day went traveling already overspend.

Then tumpang watched the landlady's Astro. Jamie Oliver cooking for a bunch of monks at an Italian monastery. Quite nice. He even replanted their herb garden. I always enjoy Jamie's show.

Don't know what to say when I read back the comments at my last posting about what Najib said about the Chinese education system. Guess, we are not much less racist after all these years. All those talks about how matured Malaysians have become when it comes to their racial identity were all just crap lah.

Bangsa Malaysia your head lah.

Where got such thing. We are all Malaysians, that's right, but we are not and never will be (at least not in my lifetime) be of the same race. We are just not meant to be that. We are too conscious of our own real race and culture. Honestly, I don't think that's wrong, ok? We have been doing relatively well the way we are for the past half century, what.

Everyone want to keep their Bangsa, ok? Especially the non-Malays. Talk only can la.

DAP promoting Bangsa Malaysia? Yea right....only stupid Malays from Pas and PKR would believe that. Not even DAP Malays believe that, ok? Ask the once towering DAP Malay Tunku Aziz la. It's all just a con ok? Where got such thing? Ok lah, ask DAP members to renounce their current racial status to be replaced with Bangsa Malaysia...can or not? Ya ya ya...Hannah Yeoh's child...that one was just gimmick la, same as her wearing tudung to entice the stupid ones among the Malays.

Ohhh...actually, there is no way the DAP Chinese would believe in the con. They know from the word GO! that DAP is actually a Chinese party with only token Malays, Indians dan lain-lain to make up for its claim of being multi-racial. It's not very unlike the Communist Party of Malaya, actually.

Seriously, would an average Chinese person give up being a member of Bangsa Chinese to join something called Bangsa Malaysia.  No way la. Talk proper Bahasa Malaysia also got issue, how to become Bangsa Malaysia. All just bull crap la, seriously.

Ok la, Malays may want to do that Bangsa Malaysia thing , but not Chinese la. Can't blame the Chinese, ok? Their bangsa doing fine already. Why the hell they want to abandon it and join you all sorry Malay sods? Malays are really a sorry lot, in that sense, ok?

Beriya-iya lah nak bersatu padu sebagai Bangsa Malaysia. Sanggup nak bagi segala yang ada. Bukannya ada banyak pun yang Melayu punya. Pun nak dibagi orang. Liberal dan modern kunun. Bodoh tak terkata. Lantak lah. Aku yang ada boyfriend Cina ni pun tahu jaga jati diri bangsa dalam diri aku. Tak tau nak kata apa lagi kat dia orang Melayu macam ni.....never mind.

Eh, I'm so sleepy already leh....till tomorrow, ok? Good night.


  1. How old are you? You spundlike a 5 year old.

    1. Obviously she's old enough to write an article that make your eunuch tokongs couldn't sleep well!

      BTW, if she's really 5 years old, I will give her a standing ovation because her article was able to cause lunatic Dapster like you become mentally ill and insane!


    2. Truth hurt meh? Can't comment constructively meh? To me you are the one who is with the 5 year old brain.

  2. Well said.

    Even in the case of Hannah Yeoh, she fought to put as Bangsa Malaysia for her newborn child and when it was rejected... she finally put as Chinese when the father is Indian. At the end, they show their true colours.. Hipocrite beyotch.

    All talk, words are so cheap from DAPsters.

    Bangsa Malaysia?? Pls la

    1. The biaDAPs are the telling the whole nation that they are on holy cause to champion the bangsa Malaysia rhetoric!

      But guess who are calling other people pariah?!

      It was the biaDAP hypocrites at Taman Kaya in Ipoh that called an Indian journalist that kind of name!

    2. Why DUMNO does not allow other parties to put Bangsa Malaysia? Who is the hpypocrite? Rakyat want to say we are Bangsa Malaysia but Dumno wants ketuanan Melayu dan lain2 only

    3. Bangsa Malaysia can talk Bahasa Malaysia or not!

    4. Bangsa Malaysia can talk Bahasa Malaysia or not?
      Bangsa Malaysia can go to National school or not?

    5. vernacular school kill bangsa malaysia. got it! still dont want to admit it?

  3. Am on d road travelling, I also ngantok so stop to freshen up minum kopi n read yr Bangsa Malaysia joke. Haiya, after people confuse not nice wan like that..

    I am proud to be a Malay. Travel places people question me about my Adat, culture, my King and Sultans, traditional food, bla happy to tell them about my race wan.

    MatSalleh, Jepun, Russian, French, Danish atau sapa saja bila baru berkenalan, "you are Malay? Must be from Malaysia?"

    I so very happy no problem travel anywhere, no need for them to think think whether I am a Malay from China or Hongkong or Taiwan or India or Sri Lanka or Australian Malay or American Malay.. sure first must be from Malaysia wan.

    Siapa itchy itchy nak tukar Bangsa saya ni?

    1. Who knows where is malaysia? If you tell them Thailand or Sinkapore a small dot, they know where they are. But many matselleh does not know if malaysia exists>

  4. Instead of promoting inclusiveness and racial harmony you write divisive article such as these.You are as bad as helenAng

    1. If this blog is so bad, why do you still bother reading this blog?!

      Go read your holy blog MalaysiaKencing instead!

      Stop pretending lah you hypocrite eunuch!

    2. She only spoke the truth. Can't take the heat please by all mean out of the kitchen. Be factual please..

    3. The article has no facts only her opinions

  5. See, this kind of moron, you really want to be togather gather with this type to be Bangsa Malaysia? I know I don't.

  6. Some people have such a small mind capacity that they can only think through the area between your navel and knee! Thus, their comments are either foul or horny. I pity lah these kind of people.

    1. Like those who think of potong kepala......pitiful indeed.

  7. Just answer the question. You committed khalwat, you go to non- halal places with a Kafir, and is that bangsa Malaysia to you ?

  8. Anon 16:03,

    Why bother other people potong or not?!

    Let say if you already 'potong' that small dick of yours, but it still doesn't give you the right to insult others!

  9. Why u got special treatment one ? One law for Dumno and one law for the rest ? How to have bangsa malaysia ? Maybe not even bangsa Melayu......

  10. the real moron is the one who has inferiority complex...cina yg x potong punya pun dia nak....melayu punya x cukup baguskah!!! cet...

  11. why the personal attack ? Wah, dia attack LGE, PAS, DSAI....semua boleh. Kita attack dia based on her own admission of going out with a kafir - tak boleh pulak....

    One law for BN, one law for the rest.

  12. Anon 21:30
    Want to attack me, go ahead lah. No problem with me. That's why your moronic comments got published, ok? Good for everyone to see what kind of people you all DAP cybertroopers really are.

  13. Anon 21:30,

    Stop pretending that you're on holy cause!

    If you're that pious, like you claim go and join JAIS, JAWI etc!

    Then you can do all the 'nahi mungkar' that you want!

    Typical of ostat-ostat pakatan PRick, trying
    to show that they're holier than thou!

    If you're that pious like you claim, go and 'tazkirah' your beloved leader ANUwar!

    That moron does not only cheat on her pathetic wife just to f#cked up his best friend wife, he also prefered his own 'coffee boy' and 'driver' rather than his wife!

    You beloved dear leader ANUwar also a well known porn star now, since his video showing him with his k*tey bengkok f*cking chinadoll is a sensational hit in the internet !


    For having that kind of 'rear admiral' as an idol!

    You and him are from the same breed, that is called 'munafik'!

  14. Anon 19:21
    Talking about 'potong' reminds me of 13 May 1969. You wanna get your 'kepala potong' like your ancestors? Don't play-play huh?

  15. There is a name-calling for unrefined man that bullied and degraded a woman!

    That kind of blokes are called MP or MALE PIG!

  16. alamak this pakaters TALK ONLY their own gathering TALK SHIT like WE are new politics no attack personal matters, here in blog all of them are all shit..ceramah said 1 thing habis ceramah everyday life fuckup everything in life

  17. BC, your posting is a fair reflection of the current state of race relations in the country. But more important than what we have now is what do we want for the future? I hope my child can be called and recognised as a Malaysian if she chooses to be so. I would like to see a future where a Malaysian is not treated differently from other malaysians based on their race by the Government of this country.

    If this is possible, then who stands to lose? Nothing need take away from the culture and traditions of each race, which are rightly important and to be treasured.

    Is this change in perception even possible? I think its possible to change, if you look at the development of, for example, women's rights. But it takes continuous effort and time. So I like your article, BC, because it provokes a good discussion (apart from a few comments above), but I disagree with you in two respects - I believe that Malaysians have the power to change their mindset and I believe that the benefits of this change for the nation far outweigh the costs of doing so.

    1. Big cat and small pussy are just like DUMNO- calling His bf chinese to distinguish races. Of course other races cannot masuk melayu except mamak. Ask Riduan Tee and see if he can masuk or stil treated by Dumno as chinese and join Umno? So Dumno wants to differentiate the rakyat by races. Aslo what happen if other races masuk melayu but join the opposition, will he be treated with special previleges?

  18. UMNO can only threaten kepala potong. Cos they have no brains. Only got big mouth.

    George Soros

  19. Helloooo Big Cat : what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. Faham tak ?

  20. Bangsa Malaysia ala foot. It was a smokescreen to remove the priveleges given to the nice when they said equal 1969 they said they same mantra...the moment they won few extra seats they tried to chase the Malays out of Kl...In the 70s, if you can remember the PAP government introduce the 'Stop at Two' policy, a policy introduced to discourage the poor and uneducated (the Malays lah...) from breeding..

    1. Dumno with mad cow brain. Why not say about China. China asked Han Chinese to stop at one only with all muslims in the western border can have w/o restriction.

  21. If you do believe bangsa malaysia is a good idea, don't wait for the politians. Treat people with the same respect you wish to be treated with. Try to see the other side of the argument before acting.

  22. Najib is selling out malay interests. The worse UMNO President was that Indian Mahathir who made Chinese and Indians billionaires. The Malays have suffered through the greed of the current UMNO leadership.

    What 1Malaysia? Why Chinese and Indias get all the licenses and forest concessions? Is this their motherland? Is it stated in the Constitution oil palm estates in Sabah ,Sarawak must be given to IOI, IJM etc?

    Only if post independence Malay take over UMNO can Malays hope to grow. If not UMNO President will sellout the Malays so that they and their sons can be appointed directors of Chinese companies.

    1. That's what happens when you worshipped an Indian as prime minister for 22 years. Don't blame anyone else please.

  23. we the bumiputra of this country rejected our post-independence leader accepting over 1 million immigrants as rakyat malaysia.

    we the bumiputra of this country now have to bear the consequences allowing the immigrant living in this country.

    the day they step in on this nusantara land, they bring in chaos, uncivilized and cheating culture on this land.

  24. Bumiputras are the orang asli, you melayus cheated them and became Bumiputera celup. Me lays are PR datang from Yunnan, get it, BODOH!!!!!

    1. And you think that the Orang Asli just popped up and grew from the ground?? Pandainya!

    2. bumiputeras are only in Sabah and Sarawak, anon 16.58 gutless coward.

      ORang Melayu adalah indigeneous people of Tanah Melayu. All perjanjian adalah dengan Raja Melayu.

      Where got history say Tanah Sakai. Tanah Asli? What?

      The bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak tumpang the success of the Malays in Semenanjung.

      They are lost jungle tribes cannot read cannot write.

      The Government should encourage the Chinese migrants to go back. Migrations is from the sea upwards towards asia not from Yunnan bodoh.
