Lepaking in front of TV watching the Merdeka parade in the morning. Can la, not so bad at all, except that I keep seeing Rais Yatim on the TV screen. Irritating leh. Even DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had to stand behind Rais when PM DS Najib Razak spoke to the crowd at the end of the parade. Over la you, Rais.
Actually, things are not going too well at my office for the past few days, so that I decided not to work today and just spend the Merdeka at home. Work too hard also people don't appreciate, so better I don't kill myself over it.
Last night there were a bit of Bersih thing at the count down of Merdeka. This is an excerpt of a report by pro-Pakatan Malaysian Insider -
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 30 — Thousands, mainly dressed in yellow T-shirts in a show of support for the Bersih movement, flooded Merdeka Square tonight with others celebrating the eve of Merdeka Day.
Blowing vuvuzelas, they came hours ahead of the 11pm start for the countdown to Merdeka in the historic square where Independence Day was declared 55 years ago.
At 11.05pm, hundreds of supporters greeted the arrival of PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu as a police cordon looked on. Others there include PKR lawmakers Tian Chua and Fuziah Salleh.
The picture is also from Malaysian Insider.
I went through the report three times as it seems a bit funny. How come Ambiga not around? Since when had Mat Sabu become the leader of Bersih? Well, he seems to be the biggest Pakatan leader at the Bersih thing last night. Hmmm...quite an achievement for Mat Sabu la like that.
Tian Chua and Fuziah also Bersih leaders ka? Why Anwar and Azmin not around also?
Well. whatever lah. Merdeka Day also want to create problem. So teruk.
Anyway, Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysians who love this country.
Apparently, the Sin Chew people were very very unhappy about the way Mat Sabu had twisted himself by accusing the Chinese number one daily in the country of twisting his words on the hudud issue.
Issuing a statement over the Mat Sabu's dastardly act was none other than Tay Tian Yan, the Sin Chew Daily's deputy editor in chief, who is quite famous for his articles which were not very friendly at all to the BN government.
I am cutting and pasting his full statement from the pro-Pakatan Malaysian Insider, so that I wouldn't be accused of twisting Tay's words -
AUG 29 — In an open society, everything is laid out under the sun for public scrutiny.
I personally have nothing against what PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu has said. On the contrary, I used to have very high regard for his candidness, and his relatively open and pragmatic attitude towards issues.
Such a perception has been reflected in many of my past commentaries on PAS.
This time, we have to really thank Mat Sabu for accepting an interview from Sin Chew Daily, during which our reporter requested him to expound the remarks made by party president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang in Harakah that the party had the intention of implementing the hudud law through democratic process.
Mat Sabu explained, “PAS has decided that it will seek a constitutional amendment in Parliament to implement the hudud law once Pakatan takes the helm of the federal administration.”
Our reporter called him again after the evening edition of Sin Chew Daily hit the street, and wanted to reconfirm with him the content of his statement. Mat Sabu offered to change the tone from “decided” to “had the intention” (berhasrat) to which our reporter agreed.
As a result, some minor changes appeared on the morning edition of the newspaper: “PAS has the intention of seeking a constitutional amendment in Parliament in order to implement the hudud law once Pakatan takes the helm of the federal administration.”
In the meantime, we also interviewed PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man to get him to clarify the party’s stand on this issue. His response was consistent with that of Mat Sabu and the same was published in that day’s edition of Sin Chew Daily.
We later acquired the official statement of PAS president Hadi Awang on August 13, as well as his August 25 statement published in the party’s mouthpiece Harakah on the implementation of the hudud law.
We later clarified the same issue with PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali.
Unfortunately, after the report went to print, Mat Sabu denied the following day what he had said, and claimed that Sin Chew Daily had distorted his speech.
We tried contact him with the hope of seeking further clarification but have so far not been able to get him.
It appears that politicians’ customary ways of doing things have been repeated with Mat Sabu. Although this is nothing new in politics, I am still somewhat disappointed. I thought Mat Sabu was a responsible man who would loyally adhere to his principles.
To support our case that we have not misquoted or distorted anyone’s speech, we published the statement Hadi Awang has made in today’s Sin Chew Daily, along with an exclusive interview with Mustafa Ali for public scrutiny.
We have to make it very clear that our reports on the hudud law have not been tailored in any way as to misrepresent PAS or Pakatan but to deliver accurate and essential information to the reading public.
As a public medium, we are in no position to conceal any piece of important information from public knowledge, especially something that involves public interests, and incidents that may transform our society in one way or another.
It is imperative that PAS’ stand on the implementation of hudud law be exposed so that members of the public will be able to comprehend, evaluate and decide on their options.
The worst thing we could do is to selectively hide the truth, glorifying the most beautiful parts and covering up the rest of it.
The most despicable and deceitful way of doing things is to tell one side of the story to the Muslim community, and another side to non-Muslims.
PAS used to enjoy a good reputation and should therefore treasure its own credibility. If the party insists that the hudud law is correct and appropriate, it should then publicly proclaim its political agenda in the same tone, be it to the Muslim or non-Muslim community, and go on to promote and lobby for those issues among the Chinese voters.
That said, the party must make its agenda unreservedly open to all Malaysians. This is the most fundamental way of doing things justly.
Meanwhile, PAS’ allies in the opposition pact must never attempt to create a glamorous illusion among the Chinese community with their own interests and ballots as prime considerations. While political parties have every right to pursue their goals and objectives, they have to be accountable to the rakyat in doing so.
Whether the hudud law is eventually good or detrimental to our nation, once it is implementated, it will stay in effect for generations, even as electoral ballots and political parties fade away.
Malaysians are entitled to the whole truth to make sensible judgements and choices that will shape their common future. — MySinchew.com
Tak apalah anak, atas nama pembangunan ambillah tanah-tanah Melayu seperti yang telah dilakukan di Gelang Patah dulu. Tiada siapa yang perlu Melayu salahkan bila di bumi Melayu ini suatu hari yang tiada tanah sendiri adalah orang Melayu sendiri. Mungkin ketika itu barulah akan timbul kesedaran di minda Melayu melihat kaum lain mempunyai tanah kerana mereka menentang dan mempertahankan tanah mereka dirampas. Ketika itu jangan sekali-kali orang Melayu salahkan kaum lain atas kealpaan orang Melayu sendiri yang menggadai tanah untuk ringgit.
Pakchik/makchik tolonglah jangan buta sejarah atau pura-pura tidak tahu fakta. Tak pernah kerajaan merampas tanah sesiapa tak kira bangsa di negara ni. Cuba imbas balik apa yang berlaku ketika pengabilan tanah untuk PTP di Gelang Patah dulu. Bercakap biar lah jujur. Ada atau tidak pampasan samaada dari bentuk tanah, tapak rumah dan wang tunai diberikan secukupnya? Tolong jangan berbohong disini. Juga cuba ingot sekiranya berlaku insiden-insiden seperti wang pampasan di habiskan bergembira di Batam sehingga yang tinggal hanya tapak rumah dan kemudiannya menuntut tambahan pampasan? Jangan lah jadi si Kitul yang menghasut dan menjual bangsa Melayu untuk kepentingan politik dan diri sendiri. Terima kasih.
Ya sayang anak oi, tanah-tanah yang diambil dari orang Melayu kat Gelang Patah, ia sememangnya orang Melayu dapat sekupang dua tapi tanah itu dijual semula dan dipindahmilik dengan harga beratusan ringgit sekaki. Akhirnya yang kini mendiami rumah-rumah mewah ditanah milik orang Melayu suatu ketika dulu adalah orang Singapore, orang Cina Indonesia, orang Cina tempatan dan sekerat dua orang Melayu.
Orang Melayu pula dimana? Mereka kini hidup di pinggiran rumah mewah di flet-flet perumahan rakyat. Hilang tanah, hilang mata pencarian dan tinggal dengan kenangan orang Melayu menipu orang Melayu.
Anakku, biarpun kamu penyokong tegar UMNO sesakali sedarlah bagaimana bangsa kita sedikit demi sedikit atas nama pembangunan hilang tanah bumi Melayu kita. Jangan sokong sampai taksub dengan UMNO. Saya anak Kg Pendas. yang tanah diambil dengan harga tidak berpatutan dan pampasan tidak dapat memungkinkan saya beli hartanah dibumi emas Gelang Patah.
Mula-mula kata tanah kena rampas, sekarang kata pampasan tak berpatutan. Cuba cerita sikit berapa pampasan yang dapat dan macam mana rupa rumah asal awak dengan rumah yang di beri sebagai ganti di Pendas Laut tu. Kalau ada tanah, ada hakmilik tak? Hal Pendas Laut ni jangan nak tipu lah, saya ada kat situ dari mula sampai habis semua penduduk dipindahkan. Masa tu juak-juak Pas ada cuba menghasut tapi orang kampung tak berapa nak layan. Pihak IIB yang menguruskan perpindahan tu melakukan kerja dengan baik, siap dengan penerangan dan pampasan yang baik. Rumah ganti tu pun cukup cantik dan selesa serta berada hanya diseberang sungai kampung asal. Awak ni salah sorang Pas yang menghasut dulu tu ke? Sudah sudah la jadi barua DAP menghasut orang melayu. Takde pekdahnya pun kat anak cucu.
For those who are not well versed in Bahasa Malaysia, the commenter was actually accusing the government of seizing land from the people, particularly Malays. This was in relation to the impending land acquisition exercise to take place in Pengerang as part of the project to build the mammoth petroleum hub there.
Honestly, I did lose my patient with the commenter, thus my long replies. I was particularly miffed when he/she claimed to be one of the villagers of Pendas Laut, near Gelang Patah, Johor who were not properly compensated when relocated in 2009 to make way for a development under the Iskandar Malaysia. I remember it very well that Iskandar Investment Bhd (IIB) which was responsible for the relocation being extremely careful about the whole thing. There were no such thing as land being seized and the villagers not being properly compensated.
The about 120 families of Kampung Pendas Laut were mostly living in wooden houses at the water edge of the Sungai Pendas. Most were fishermen, These were their houses before the relocation -
I remember having lunch with the IIB people at a riverside restaurant on the other side of the river bank while discussing about the relocation of the village. Scenic place...and the asam pedas there was among the best around. The restaurant had however since burnt down and the last time I checked its reconstruction was not yet completed.
I recalled one of the IIB guys by the name of Mat Nor telling me about the details of how to relocate a Chinese grave. The handsome fella turned out to be the person in charge of relocating all the graves at the village which include some old Chinese graves. He was present at every single one of the relocation of the graves that he became quite knowledgable about the whole thing. He said he and a colleague need to be present as they must ensure everything went smoothly and all the rituals were adhered.
I also remember the IIB corp comm team working tirelessly with State government officials to ensure the villagers were properly briefed about their relocation to prevent any anxiety among them.
Pas, PKR and DAP people did try to influence the villagers against the relocation but their efforts were not successful. The relocation package was simply too good for them to make an issue out of it.
Everything went smoothly and the villagers happily moved to their new settlement called Kampung Pendas Baru which is just on the other side of the river bank. They were reasonably compensated financially and these are their new homes -
I took this picture from a blog belonging to a Singaporean Malay who admired the new modern village so much. You can read his take on the new village here -
Pas' super intelligent deputy president Mat Sabu has apparently picked up a fight with the most influential Chinese newspaper in the country, Sin Chew Daily.
Mat Sabu was today quoted by Pas' Harakah as accussing a Sin Chew reporter who interviewed him as "twisting" his words to make it sound as if, he is an evil Taliban who insists on implementing hudud and chopping off heads and limbs.
The offending Sin Chew article had appeared on the newspaper's frontpage on Monday.
Well, the Sin Chew reporter had actually quoted Mat Sabu as saying that Pas will push for the implementation of hudud in Parliament via constitutional amendment, once Pakatan takes over Putrajaya.
I don't really see anything wrong with such a report. Mat Sabu is technically the second most powerful man in Pas and it is (was?) Pas' aspiration to implement hudud.
So, what was so wrong with the Sin Chew's report that Mat Sabu went to the extent of accussing the highly respected newspaper among Malaysian Chinese as being "unethical"?
Sin Chew's journalists and editors who are known not to be overly fond of the BN government must had been stumped by such harsh judgement of such a senior Pas leader. Has Mat Sabu forgotten all those supportive articles written in Sin Chew about Pakatan?
Well, Sin Chew people, there you have it. These Pakatan leaders are not really sincere la when they talk about upholding freedom of the Press etc. Anything you all report which turn out not to their liking, and you all will have it from them. You all better understand that, ok? If you think BN is not media friendly enough, just wait until Guan Eng and his crazy friends such as Mat Sabu in charge of this country.
Anyway, as for Mat Sabu's outburst, he actually only realised that he was talking to a Sin Chew reporter after the article was published...I think. He must had thought that he was speaking to a Sinar Harian reporter when he said about pushing for hudud. Sinar's Malay muslims audience would probably see Mat Sabu as being so handsome and pious for bravely upholding Islamic laws. Unfortunately, it was Sin Chew and its Chinese audience would not likely appreciate Pas' hudud stance.
To me, this is a case of speaking with too many tongues in front of too many audience. In front of Malays speaks one thing, in front of Chinese, speaks something else. Now Mat Sabu claimed that his words were twisted by Sin Chew while the truth is, it was him who twisted and turned his own words till he himself was confused by them.
It's been a week of raya. Spend 75% of it sleeping and eating.
I know, should had spend the time on more beneficial things, but what to do, I just want to rest while I'm still able to do so. This would probably be my last long break before the final push to the general election which will most likely be held in February, next year.
Ok, I did update this blog almost on daily basis the past week, but that's got nothing to do with my actual work. Running this blog is more like a hobby. Furthermore, the Pakatan people, particularly those of the DAP had been inciting racial hatred among the Chinese over the Pengerang graves relocation issue. I felt compelled to write about that.
Tomorrow, I am going back to my routine. Honestly, I am not looking forward to it, and have to force myself to do it....only till after the election, I keep telling myself. After that I will definitely be going to Taiwan and start something new.
Since, I am going to get serious and busy starting tomorrow, I think I want to indulge myself on something light for this posting.
Well, after Taiwan, my next wish is to revisit places where I had been to and was happy while there.
5. Dongdeamun market, Seoul. - bought some impressive ginseng drinks there....which made some people happy.
4. Portobello street market, Notting Hill, London - Well, you know, that Hugh Grant-Julia Robert movie. I'm a sucker for romantic comedies.
3. Somerset, England. Spend the most beautiful spring time of my life there....
2. Pulau Rawa, Johor. Just want to check if the coins were still there between the cracked wood of the jetty. It was a promise.
1. Ubud, Bali. Want to once again enjoy the pleasure of outdoor activities there....
Well, it's just a wish. Most likely I can never afford it....but no harm in wishing...right? Just a happy thought :-)
I guess I better congratulate Guan Eng for his achievement. He is probably the first Malaysian chinese politician who had ever achieved that level. To be worshipped as a tokong is indeed no small matter.
Here is a probable sample of how Guan Eng should be worshipped (try to watch the video till the end for the really nice part) -
Among the Malay Muslims politicians, the only one who has some sorts of similar status is Kelantan MB Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Of course his Pas followers do not pray to him as a tokong (that would be syirik...and not win them votes among the true Muslims) but his words are indeed sacrosanct to them.
Here is a sample of Nik Aziz's sacrosanct words -
Note : both video clips had previously been posted in this blog many moons ago :-)
It has always been alleged that BN, or to be more exact, Umno always pulled out the racial card whenever all else failed them.
However, as could be observed in the relocation of Pengerang Chinese graves issue, it was Pakatan, or to be more exact, DAP which pulled out the racial card when their chips were down.
The issue is now among the hottest topic of discussion on the country's Chinese-side of the cyberspace. The rhetorics were quite fearsome actually. As if the "Umno (read Malay) government" is out to desecrate the Chinese graves.
Now, why would the current government, which some of its own supporters are accusing it of bending backwards to please the Chinese wants to do such a thing?
Those who are familiar with the Pengerang petroleum hub issue should remember that it was Pas which first appeared to lead the Pakatan's campaign to stop the project which will transform Pengerang from a Johor's backwater into the most exciting economic growth centre of the country. The place is after all a Malay-majority area and an Umno stronghold.
However, it turned out that Johor Pas leaders such as Salahuddin Ayub, Mazlan Aliman and Suhaizan Kayat were not up to the job. They failed to turn the Malays in Pengerang to go against the project.
Actually, they can't really be blamed for their failure. The odds were against them. The Johor government had anticipated the coming attack and had made the necessary preparations to counter it. The Pas leaders were simply not used to factual arguments and this is where they failed as it needed facts to convince most Johorean Malays on any particular issue.
The last straw was when the Pas' so called "himpunan tanah" at Plaza Angsana, JB in May failed. Only about 1,000 people turned up out of the expected 30,000.
The next blow to Pakatan was when the Sultan of Johor, while launching the petroleum hub project later in the month cautioned the people of Pengerang from being influenced and used by those who want the project to fail. This virtually shut up the Johor Pas leaders, who know that it would be a political suicide for them to go against the Sultan as the Johorean Malays still respect their royal institution.
DAP, which was expecting to win big in Johor in the coming general election by exploiting the perceived Chinese unhappiness towards the BN government were dismayed but decided not to give up. The Pengerang petroleum hub project is after all the only platform where they could create a big issue in Johor to lessen their over dependence on their actual strength - Chinese chauvinism. They were banking on it to create similar positive vibes for them as the one which they successfully did in the Lynas issue.
But in Pengerang, DAP can't rely much on the local Chinese as unlike Kuantan, the Chinese community in Pengerang is much smaller. Furthermore, the local Chinese are not really against the project. They know they too will benefit from it.
DAP also found that they can't argue against the project based on facts because they know the State government is ready for that and if they tried it they will surely fail, just like their Pas lackeys did.
So, the only option DAP has now is to once again resort to sentiments - racial sentiments, that is. That is how we now have this Chinese graves issue in Pengerang where no one used to really care about the racial background of each others.
Anybody knows how the Chinese government of Singapore relocated their ancestors' graves for development purposes? Maybe can copy from them to "menjaga kesuci murnian" the Chinese graves in Pengerang.
I thought it was quite a good suggestion. So, I went about doing some research and found this quite recent BBC's article about the subject matter. I cut and paste the whole thing for your reading pleasure -
Singapore to drive road through historic cemetery
By Rebecca LimBBC News, Singapore
6 April 2012 Last updated at 02:09
Bukit Brown is the kind of place that could be easily missed in skyscraper-filled Singapore.
Bordered by a major highway and several major roads, this 90-year-old cemetery sits in a peaceful, green pocket almost in the centre of the bustling city state.
Believed to be the largest Chinese cemetery outside China, it hosts about 100,000 graves - many belonging to Singapore's pioneering immigrants and war heroes.
But now the place of repose is in the spotlight. The government wants to build an eight-lane road through a part of it.
Down the line the area will be developed to provide housing for some 50,000 people and a future train station.
The fate of the site has lit a fire of activism among some Singaporeans. Not one, but seven civic groups have appealed to the government to rethink its plans.
''Development need not come at the expense of heritage, and vice versa,'' said Terence Chong, a committee member of the Singapore Heritage Society, one of the seven groups.
'Brown's hill'
Public interest in Bukit Brown was kindled in the middle of last year after it was reported that the area was designated for residential development. Letters pleading the case for the cemetery began pouring in to the newspapers.
Bukit Brown, which means ''Brown's hill'' in Malay, was named after a British merchant, George Henry Brown, who lived in the area in the 19th century.
The heritage society published a book on Singapore's disappearing cemeteries - Bukit Brown is not the first to fall victim to urban sprawl.
The Nature Society of Singapore, extolling the ecological value and biodiversity of the area, proposed that it be designated as a park that could potentially be listed as a Unesco heritage site.
Last month, officials announced details for the planned road that included some concessions.
A part of the road will be built as a bridge across a valley, hence minimising the impact on the flora and fauna and helping to preserve natural drainage.
The exhumation of graves will now take place next year, instead of later this year as planned, to give family members more time to register the graves .
For the first time, the government is funding the documentation of the tombs. A committee has been tasked with ensuring detailed records of personal histories, heritage and rituals are kept.
Living heritage
But for the activists behind the call to save Bukit Brown, that does not come close to the outcome they had wanted.
More than 3,700 graves in Bukit Brown are having to make way for the road
Bukit Brown is not just any old cemetery, they said. It retains a distinctive slice of the multi-ethnic country's fast disappearing heritage.
''It's one place where you can actually touch the 100-year-old tombs and see faded photos of men and women who contributed to Singapore's story in one way or another,'' said Erika Lim of the SOS Bukit Brown group.
''That's very different from viewing artefacts in a museum or reading about historical events in a textbook.''
On the same day that the details of the road were announced, the activists called for a moratorium on all development plans for the area.
''Bukit Brown is the last historic remaining cemetery in Singapore,'' said Raymond Goh of Asia Paranormal Investigators - better known as the ''ghostbusters'' of Singapore.
Mr Goh, who conducts heritage tours in Bukit Brown, said that the earliest grave found in the burial grounds dated back to 1833. ''Once destroyed, it is gone forever,'' he said.
But the decision on the road has been made.
''Planning for the long-term in land-scarce Singapore does require us to make difficult trade-off decisions,'' the Ministry of National Development said in an email to the BBC.
Engagement issues
This is not be the first time that the government, not known for tolerating dissent, has faced public outcry over development plans.
Many of the graves belong to Singapore's pioneering immigrants and war hereos
But it has also shown itself amenable to civic concerns. A plan 10 years ago to reclaim a wetlands area on an island was pushed back after nature lovers led a campaign against it. The parks authority has since built new amenities for visitors to the area .
The activists for Bukit Brown have expressed disappointment at the ''lacking'' engagement with officials.
But, the ministry said, it was ''not consulting'' on whether to build the road ''from the onset''.
''While we disagree on the road and development of Bukit Brown, we do share the belief that we need to retain and also celebrate the heritage of Bukit Brown,'' it said.
It welcomed suggestions and would continue to study ways to do so, it added
The Bukit Brown issue also points toward an evolving social compact between the government and an increasingly vocal electorate.
Singaporeans are now ''much more educated and vocal'' and ''organise together more easily'', Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told reporters this week after the Asean summit in Cambodia.
The government, he said, had changed the way it engaged with Singaporeans, and that had been ''necessary'' and ''helpful''.
Since the country's last general election in May 2011, when his ruling party saw the lowest share of overall votes since independence at 60.1%, he has called for more engagement.
''But it will take some time more, and the balance between speaking out and working together is something which still needs to be worked upon," he said.
For many families, however, the Qing Ming festival this week could be the last time they carry out the annual Chinese tradition of visiting and cleaning the ancestral tombs in Bukit Brown.
One of the more than 3,700 graves making way for the road is a 1940 tomb that is the resting place of Toh Yong Soon's grand-aunt.
When he performed the Qing Ming rites this year, he said, he informed her that she would soon be ''moving house''. He has made plans to relocate her grave.
''We don't want to be in the way,'' he said, of the planned road. ''But it is a waste. Bukit Brown is a living museum.''