Monday, 28 May 2012
TKC: Erasing History, Traditions and Values
I came across this during my usual prowling of the cyberspace, and boy, was I shocked about Tunku Kurshiah College, or Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, or better known as TKC, being renamed Sekolah Menengah Sains Tunku Kurshiah.
A school with 65 years history of academic excellence and an illustrious alumni, one of the best schools in the country - with excellent academic and co-curricular achievements - if not the best, will be relocated to a new site in Nilai, and in its place will be a Sekolah Menengah Sains.
When we visit the distinctive campus, surrounded by cemeteries no less, beyond its double layer of fences and up the winding driveway lined with old trees, we will be greeted by the facade of the 60's buildings of the school's four residential Houses, from the outermost red Mahsuri, to the blue Tun Fatimah, followed by the green Selendang Delima and finally the innermost yellow Siti Zawiah, before we reach the Great Hall with the names of former Head Girls listed on its walls, and where practically every activity is held, be it Thursday's solat jemaah, Saturday's matinee, the annual drama and dance competitions, and of course the term-end assemblies where the best students would line the steps to the stage to be acknowledged by their teachers and peers.
Then there is the main school building where the Domestic Science and the Physics labs used to be, at the back of the residential Houses is the Dining Hall with its High table in the middle and the extended wing at the back, then there is the square in front of the Dining Hall where the girls would sit and banter while waiting for the dinner bell to ring or to cheer for their netball teams during competitions - all these will be known as Sekolah Menengah Sains Tunku Kurshiah in the future.
What la ... Is it not enough that you want to relocate the poor schoolgirls to some obscure place somewhere in Nilai, now you want to change its name to Sekolah Menengah Sains Tunku Kurshiah? At least Sri Puteri gets to become Sri Puteri, Putrajaya - the school at the seat of Federal Government, while TKC gets to be the grand new Estate School of Nilai?
I don't get it - if it is too small, or too old, or too whatever, that they have to relocate the school to some completely indistinct new campus in Nilai, then why create a new school called SMS Tunku Kurshiah in its place?
Why not just have a new school in Nilai named SMS Whatever and upgrade the campus on Bukit Merbah (or wasn't it Jalan Cemetery too?) to accommodate new requirements while maintaining the name, the unique look of the old buildings, the traditions and the values of a great old school, and the all-around excellence the TKCians are renowned for?
Try doing the same thing to MCKK - change its name to Sekolah Menengah Sains Melayu Kuala Kangsar and see what happens. Shall we try doing that?
Tell you what, let us change the name of Royal Military College to Sekolah Menengah Sains Tentera. After all they also sit for PMR and SPM too. Fair kan?
And while we are at it, let us change the name of Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar in JB to Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Abu Bakar? That school is still there, despite being right smack in the middle of the town. Can or cannot?
And what about the resident ghosts of those buildings such as the Green Lady and the Soldier - are they going to relocate these beings to the new campus in Nilai too, or will they be part of the stories for students of the new SMS Tunku Kurshiah while the TKC girls, or KaTaK as they are called by jealous detractors, will have to contend with new jins and hantus at the new TKC campus in Nilai?
That means even the hantus of the new generation TKCians will be different from those known by the Old Girls. Pity them, the OGA will have nothing more in common with the new generation TKCians to talk about during their biennial dinners. Not the buildings, not the traditions, maybe not even the values, certainly not the ghosts.
I guess it is extremely easy to do away with history, traditions and values - what will happen to TKC is precisely that - the extinction of an old school representing how easy it is to do away with history, traditions and values of old, which disconnect the younger generation from the old.
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Don't you know that TKC became victim of PFI (Predator Finance Initiative).......
ReplyDeleteProf Awe Kecik
I don't see the point of your argument in this discussion. Not only is it pointless and not well laid out but we're talking about one thing and you're harping on about the arabisation of Malays yang takda kaitan pun with budak TKC.
DeleteArabisation of Malays has very much to do with TKC. Tak nampak ke gambar kepala bertudung budak perempuan Melayu di TKC tu? Sungguh menguglikan.
DeleteKita boleh tenguk penuntut perempuan seluruh dunia tapi TKC lah paling ugli. Tenguklah year book sekolah di US ke. Tenguk dia orang cheer leaders pictures. Semua sexy. TKC...kekampungan.
Ada seorang atlit perempuan yang besar tu sekarang dah pakai tudung dah tak dengar kabar.
When women cannot attract men they will have to attract their own sex. You see now girls in group without men eating at mamak or restaurants. Lelaki Melayu pula rasa bersalah nak berkawan dengan perempuan takut dosa. So makin ramai lah jambu Anwar dan lesbian.
Ini masaalah sosial yang besar. Berapa ramai penuntut TKC yang dah kahwin dan tak kahwin? Cuba bagi statistik. Makin ramai tak kahwin kan..haha
Arabisation of Malays banyak kesan atas budak TKC. Semua sekarang hodoh bertudung tak de boyfirend..haram kata ustazah. Ya ko rang dengarlah dongeng arab dari ustazah..kalau tak pakai tudung nampak sehelai rambut nanti tuhan orang Arab akan gantung bila mati...haha
Tahyul arab macam ini yang diajar kepada anak Melayu.
Bila mati dapat payung emas kihkihkih..Tak payah masuk skim emas, perempuan Melayu bila mati dapat free payung emas.
Ishh malas nak cakap..pergi dengar "Ustaz" Azhar Idrus pasal jilat kemaluan perempuan.. hah itu lah guna "ustaz" Melayu ni.
Awak ini tak takut neraka kah? Allah menyuruh umatnya menutup aurat. Tudung dengan nama sekolah sama sekali tidak ada kena mengena. Back to the track please?
DeleteAnon, sudahlah dengan dongeng Arab tu.
DeleteAwak tahu tak aurat tu dalam bahasa Arab maksudnya kemaluan.
Tuhan suruh tutup kemaluan di bawah.
Rambut bukan kemaluan.
Perempuan melayu dan guru TKC jangan lah asyik fikir pasal kemaluan dan tutup kemaluan saja.
Perempuan Cina, Hannah Yeoh dah jadi Speaker Selangor. Tak tutup kemaluan pun!
Seorang lagi Eli Wong tayang kemaluan pula kat internet, jadi Exco Selangor 2 penggal.
Korang kat TKC asyik sibuk tutup kemaluan buat apa?
Fikirlah benda lain..
is good that you cover up your 'kemaluan'. tkc girls are butt ugly with tudung, let alone without a tudung. why bother thinking of removing it?. kekampungan? hahahahaha. is not how you look that is kekampungan. it is who you are that it kekampungan. stupid malays talking about religion.
DeleteAssalamu 'alaikum.
DeleteKepada TKC bungkus kepala dan rambut bukan kemaluan. pengetahuan anda (yg cetek) tentang kewajipan seorang muslimah dalam menutup aurat menunjukkan anda mungkin seorang muislim/ah. walaubagaimanapun, kefahaman aurat anda yg jelas menyeleweng dari ajaran Islam yg sebenar menyebabkan saya keliru akan agama (addin) anda yg sebenar dan menyebabkan saya rasa terpanggil untuk berkongsi sedikit ilmu.
part 2
Delete1. TKC bungkus kepala said that "religion if done without rationality is not scientific minded'. however, rationality, as much as it is essential as our guidance, can also be very dangerous if not done without proper boundaries. It goes without saying that rationality is very relative and differs greatly based on the different cultures that it inhabits. In short, it has no permanency. That's why some people (such as you, if it wasn't that obvious) will resort any kind of reasoning to justify your actions (just look at your comment. not substantial at all. just some cursing words and unnecessary emotions. no maturity at all. pointless). inilah bahayanya virus liberalisme, apabila manusia mula menolak peraturan hidup daripada Allah s.w.t. dan sebaliknya hanya menggunakan akal sendiri utk membuat peraturan hidup sendiri. pada saat ini syaitan akan mula meniupkan api kemungkaran dan akhirnya akan menjerumuskan mereka yang ingkar dalam lembah kesesatan. Kerana itulah kita selaku umat islam harus berfikir berlandaskan sumber syariah dalam Islam iatu sumber wahyu (quran dan sunnah) dan sumber ijmak. Dalam menggunakan logik akal, seharusnya kita mempunyai dalil dalam menentukan peraturan hidup agar tidak sesat.
part 3
Delete2. please clarify how the practice of Islam need to be , as you put it, scientific-minded. Do you mean that it has to go through falsification? You should know that something as metaphysical as religion can never be falsifiable and if you really believe that there are some parts in Islam that need to be "corrected", then that means your aqidah as a muslim/ah is lacking somewhere. Please get your akidah right or else, am not sure of your status as a muslim. See, your rationality is your own demise~
3. Kepada Rambut bukan kemaluan, I salute your effort, reffering to Quran to explain about aurat. and also giving the definition of aurah which is kemaluan. However, the more precise meaning of aurah is the parts on our bodies, that we must hide from the sight of an ajnabi (stranger). and the aurah is different for female and male, and also depends on who the ajnabi is. and it's true according to Quran, we are to cover our aurah from the eyes of ajnabi, without actually specifying the entent of it. So the meaning of aurah actually depends. However, as a muslim, dan saya rasa perlu ditegaskan beribu kali, KITA ADALAH UMAT NABI MUHAMMAD. dalam usul fikah akidah syarian ibadah dll haruslah kita mengikut contoh terbaik manusia iaitu junjungan besar kita RASULULLAH S.A.W. (peace be upon him) .
Deletepart 4
DeleteNabi telah menjelaskan sejelas-jelasnya bahawa aurat seorang wanita muslim kepada seorang lelaki muhrim ialah seluruh anggota badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan. Rambut wanita muslim adalah bukan aurat cuma kepada wanita muslim yang lain (hence segelintir pelajar tkc yang free-hair since tkc all-girls). yg membuatkan saya terkejut adalah cara anda berhujah seolah-olah anda mengikut mazhab syiah yg terang-terangan menolak sunnah nabi sebagai sumber, especially when you refer to it as "dongeng Arab". inikah kata-kata seorang muslim yg mengharapkan syafa'at nabi di hari pembalasan kelak. I even doubt if you really know Nabi Muhammad. please lah, words such as "dongeng arab" dan kesan tahyul (refer to kesan tahyul ke atas TKC) have very bad effects towards children. soal agama dan padang mahsyar, syurga dan neraka bukanlah dongeng tetapi adalah dunia yg kekal. sebaliknya di muka bumi adalah dunia palsu dan sementara, iatu tempat kita diuji. kata-kata anda ini boleh menjadi virus yg merosakkan akidah org2 muda. dan saya sendiri tertanya tentang akidah anda bertiga ini (if the different pseudonyms refer to different people) . adakah anda islam sekadar di ic sahaja?
part 5
Delete4. Para pelajar bukanlah dipaksa pakai tudung sebaliknya dtg dari kesedaran mereka sendiri akan kewajipan utk bertudung. Dan anda sekalianlah yg hendak menafikan dan tidak menghormati hak asasi dalam melangsaikan keinginan mereka utk bertudung. You guys are clearly the ones who r irrational! buktinya, ada sahaja mereka yg tidak bertudung dalam sesebuah sekolah tersebut atas keinginan mereka sendiri juga.
part 6
DeleteKesimpulannya, kita haruslah sentiasa berbalik kepada landasan kita iatu alQuran dan As sunnah. dan hendaklah menjaga mulut dari tersebut perkara yg boleh membatalkan akidah seperti mempersoalkan sunnah nabi atau hari akhirat. dan jangankan lah kita hendak mempersoalkan soal ranting seperti soal fikah dalam melakukan hubungan kelamin di sisi syarak yg dibincangkan UAI, apabila soal pokok iaitu akidah kita sendiri sebenarnya telah ke laut. (and i am sure that's the only one of his thounsands ceramahs that u just watched, hence the hasty generalisation) . Sesungguhnya saya bukan ingin menunjukkan kesalahan anda sebaliknya cuma ingin mengajak kepada kebaikan dan melarang yg mungkar . and in case u r not a muslim/ah, then u shud know better to respect other religions in a multiracial country such as malaysia, instead of going all racist and super obnoxious. dan saya mohon maaf jika ada yg terguris perasaan. sesungguhnya yg baik itu datangnya dari Allah dan yg buruk itu datangnya daripada Allah juga, tetapi disandarkan atas kesalahan saya sendiri. dan saya minta tolong daripada saudara seislam yg lain utk membetulkan jika ada yg tersilap.
Wallahu 'alam.
Sikit benor ilmu anda. Apa yang katakan ilmu hanyalah dongeng arab dan tahyul arab, ugama dari barat timur hanya untuk mereka menyerang negara lain.Ia nya soal tribal, shiite sunni etc.
DeleteJanganlah nak tunjuk pandai..
ReplyDeleteif MCKK to be relocated, the old one will rename as Sekolah Melayu Kuala Kangsar. Then the dong zhong will get upset because the school is so huge.
Rosmah is a former KaTakian.
they get jealous because Sdar get a brand new building near senawang. and the old school was rename as Sek Sains Seremban or NS or something like that and enrollment only for the best best form 4 & 5 students from the rural area only because it was so small.
ex KGV
No matter how she turns out, A TKCian is always a TKCian. There is no such thing as former in their vocabulary.
Deletetrue true true!!!
DeleteMCKK is to rename Sek Melayu KK so that it become 1 Malaysia and part of Nat Service where all youths can come and study! If not why other races including those bumis from East malaysia cannot come and study there?
ReplyDeleteBila sebut TKC aja, aku teringat ' the test tube incident' ....
ReplyDeletehmm .. heard about that one too .. ke urban legend?
DeleteCoba kita tanya bigcat kalau dia tau
DeleteAla semua perempuan nak uji test tube.Yang live and warm punya lagi bagus..hehe..
DeleteTKC is not to be renamed but the current campus is the one being suggested to be renamed to SMSTK, TKC at Nilai Campus will still be known as TKC...
ReplyDeleteTKCian 84-88
All the history is at the old buildings, the one being named SMSTK, the dorms Matahari, Lily, Jasmine, Dahlia, Bougainvilla, et al hold all the memories of previous generations of TKCians will be known as SMSTK. In effect, all those Old Girls would feel that their school has been renamed SMSTK. They have no affinity with the school in Nilai as their old school is still in existence albeit with a different name. Unless they pull down all vestiges of the old school like they did to MCG, then maybe they will feel differently.
DeleteI mean MGC.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that always get on my nerve is how Malaysian refuses to keep any well known heritage institution till time immemorial. .No 10 Downing St. , The White House, Buckingham Palace, Sandhurst, Eton College, these all stay put to where they are, and never were they planned to be shifted elsewhere. A break in legacy seems to be the trend in Malaysia in the name of progress. Bukit Timbalan , Johor Bahru has been the seat of the State Government since the 30's and how sad it is that the majestic building is now a forlorn dormant structure . No matter how beautiful the buildings at Iskandar are, they looked desolate, empty and soulless.
The new government buildings are ugly. Dont know why malaysia and johor need a new admistrative centre. Just for some people to make money
DeleteDUMNO cannot make more money out of old buildings. The only way is to demolish it like the Pudu Jail. Every new thing can tambah 100% more more in price from the ground to the roof and all the finishes. Also DUMNO can boast about the "progress" and developments as compare to reburishment of Pudu Jail
ReplyDeleteYea .. yea .. yea ... anything deemed bad that happen in this country, we must put the blame on Umno's doorstep. I get it.
DeleteIt sort of marks the simplistic world view of the Pakatan hordes, with their limited mental capacity that make them incapable of thinking beyond the Pakatan propaganda and boring me to tears with their lack of originality, while their shallow interpretations of issues under discussion present nothing new that can change my opinion of their level of intellect.
Why not? DUMNO Government controls everything - Tax payer's money, immigration, licences, import and export, Petronas oil etc. If not blame DUMNO who is the GOVERNMENT of the day go and blame Me or You?
DeleteBig Cat. It is true UMNO has the power to do these things. That is why the control of UMNO is every important. In the name of UMNO, Mahathir the son of an Indian from Kerala gave concessions and licenses, ports to Tamils like Ananda Krishnan, Tony Fernandes, Syed Mokhtar etc..
DeleteThen he gave licenses to Chinese with MCA and Indians with MIC. These people were so unpopular that MCA and MIC was wiped out in 2008.
So things are done in the name of the United Malay National Organisation but they never benefited the native Malays. Present UMNO leadership have now only caught on after Mahathir was sacked from the UMNO Presidency crying.. perjuangan belum tamat. Najib has apologised for UMNO betrayal of the Malay cause instead championing Chinese and Indian causes until the richest men in Malaysia is a Chinese and an Indian haha..
But Mahathir and his Tamil clique Mohideen Abd Kadir is not finished yet. He is now penaung of Kongres Ekonomi Melayu which is spearheaded by Tamils in Dewan Perniagaan melayu Malaysia!
This Tamil had given Najib a list of projects DPMM expected hehe.
So if UMNO gives to DPMM it will still be UMNO fault.
Who runs UMNO that is the question? It certainly made chinese and Indians billonaires.
But the ordinary UMNO have no idea that billions of Petronas money more 30 billions in 10 years were given to fleet cards, chinese transportation disels subsidies etc. But seemingly UMNO is in power but MCA runs the subsidies to Chinese business.
already happened to SAS, sekolah alam shah. moved the school, renamed the old. What is it with this 'sekolah menengah sains' thing? bagus sangat ke? this people does not know the meaning of hritage. remember BBBGS? 100+ old school, flattened out just like that. and to build what? another shopping complex, selling the same shit you can find across the street.
ReplyDeleteWell arjuna, I doubt the piece of land where the TKC campus sits on would be commercially viable, definitely not for a shopping mall, unless they relocate all those graves, and stories of ghosts are aplenty in that school. It must be some form of character building technique I am sure :P
Deletethis thing happened a decade ago to SAS n SSP. sadly until today, even d papers make mistakes when reporting of d two schools n their bitter half siblings (SESERI, ASIS). TKCOGs must do everything in their powers to stop this. if u hv to drag datin rosmah n datin wan azizah along with their hubbies into this cause pls dont hesitate.these KPM fellas just cant stop messing up with d our old schools' rich history.
ReplyDeletenasib baik sekolah henry gurney ( also asrama penuh ) tak kena pindah.
ReplyDeleteLOL tergolek2! *like sampai lebam!* :D
DeleteBeing from the normal SM school i dont have any feeling for those school sorry, i am pround to be a product of normal SM school and yet succeed in my studies. to me these school serves as memories of yester years for those that studied there.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I dont agree wirh your article.
ReplyDelete1. TKC needs bigger space with better facilties and accomodation. That is why the MOE have built us the new building in Nilai, which is still in Negeri Sembilan. The current buildings do not really have any architectural values, quite unlike MCKK or even BBGS. All other good residential schools like Alam Shah and Seri Puteri have moved too.
2. TKC will always be TKC no matter where we are. Old girls still have the camarederie wherever we go. And old girls will always be at the school on 1 May every year to gather with current girls. It happened with MGC at the old Damansara building, with TKC at Bukit Merbah, and now, again with TKC at Nilai.
3. If the same thing happened in 1961 when we relocated to Seremban, with all these uninformed protests, and we ended up staying in Bukit Damansara, then TKC as it is now would have lost its strength as a great school, having stuck in a small area and living space, with no opportunity for new labs etc.
4. What we do not agree to is to rename the old campus Sek Men Sains Tunku Kurshiah, as it will create some confusion, as what is happening right now. The old girls are actively lobbying for it to be named something else, like Sek Men Sains Bukit Merbah for instance.
5. Just for everyone's info, the old campuses of Seri Puteri opposite the World Trade Centre and Alam Shah in Cheras, are also called Sek Men Sains Seri Puteri and Sek Men Sains Alam Shah, respectively.
TKC 84-88
Agree 100%. Renaming the original place with a name similar to the original school is indeed very confusing. Hope the Ministry of Education stop this practice. They should be more creative and come up with a new name and new aspiration for the students.
DeleteTKC is moving to a SMALLER campus - on a slope where people from the road behind can sit & look directly into the dorms. Way to go MOE!
ReplyDeletewhy question other races are not allowed to enter MCKK? After all we never questioned the existence of SMJK (C) or SMJK (T).
ReplyDeleteHeritage value of TKC Buildings.
ReplyDeleteI have to disagree when it was commented that the flat roofed original hostel and school buildings, dining hall, the great hall, the sick bay, heck even the garage; do not have any value architecturally.
Architectural significance does not lie only in buildings with arches, Greek/Ionic/Doric columns, those with Anglo-Indian, Palladian and other pre WW looks; even the earlier Baroque, Gothic, Wrens etc.
Every era has its own e.g. that of Frank Lloyd Wright's, Mies van der Rohe, Corbusier, post modernist, cubic, functional etc.
The box-like structures of TKC's buildings are elegant, airy, well proportioned and designed as 'one-off', true to the style of the late 50's and 60's streamlined uncluttered look.
I am personally fond of the sleek yet friendly blocks, two facades with colored mosaic patterns, being once part of the Mahsuri community in the mid 70's.
The beautiful location on top of Merbah Hill with green vales around is superb and very conducive too, separated from the public zone.
It is a pity that TKC has to move to Nilai.
My point exactly, Kak. Thanks for dropping by.
DeleteTKC... used to be at Damansara then to Seremban then to Nilai.
ReplyDeleteRMC used to be at Port Dickson then to Sg Besi and will be located next year to a bigger campus. They still carry the RMC name with them to the new premises. The old sungai besi cantonment will be handed over to University Pertahanan Nasional. So people move for the betterment. memory will live then gone. no big deal.
MCKK susah nak pindah becos of the "KK" factor. if they move to ipoh, they need to change theirs to Malay College Ipoh. So they must stay put and squeeze whatever they have into a limited space that they have now.
You guys should get big people in this to support. I'm a SAS student and it makes me sad to hear that some of the ex-boys of SAS say that its not the same because the school is relocated. What makes me sad the most is that some even don't admit that its their former school due to the fact that the school is relocated and doesn't feel the same. Its not the fact that the name is being brought to the new place or the name is changing to SMSTK. What's important is that the tradition, the stories, the memories stay where they are and can be shared among the young ones. This is what brings the students and alumni closer. If you guys relocate then there will be no more memories for the alumni to share with the students. This happened to SAS don't let it happen to TKC too.
ReplyDeleteWhat? SSP n SAS have 'bitter half siblings'? Please forgive me for not knowing, I admit my pure ignorance on this. All this while I thought they were relocated for greedy commercial purposes. I think those who made these kind of decisions really don't know the meaning and value of heritage. If they really want to have new school buildings, then establish a new school altogether, call it SM Sains whatever like what BIGCAT said. Don't relocate a school with a history and heritage spanning decades that is tied to its campus.
ReplyDeleteMy mum went to MGC, then later became the pioneer group to move to seremban (and meet the ghosts). As far as I know, the move was done to have a higher number of enrollment,thus TKC came into being. Those who graduated from MGC might not have a close feeling with bukit merbah if they never schooled there (my mum was lucky to experience both), to them TKC seremban is like another school because of the different campus and name change. I know how this feels since it happened to me with my lower secondary school when it moved from kajang to kuala selangor and changed its name a few years after I left it. I have no feelings whatsoever with that new school.
TKC has been at bukit merbah for as long as it has existed as TKC. Moving to nilai is akin to uprooting it from its home, and putting another school with a similar name there would just rub in the salt. I feel the case of RMC is different, their move is because UPNM is at sg besi and they need the place. RMC's heritage and history is rooted in the military culture, it will remain no matter where it's located.
Like TKC, my higher secondary is also a school with a heritage. My mum went to TKC, so did her two sisters, as well as my better half. We're in seremban for the weekend and she's asking me to take her and the kids there this sunday.
What's the basis and practical reasons of moving? If our country really values heritage and history (two things which are foundations for future generations), then they should find ways how to make TKC continue to excell at bukit merbah, upgrade whatever is necessary like what BIGCAT suggests. If the old campus (TKC, SSP, SAS) is not conducive, then why establish a new school there? If space is an issue, then cap the intake, that would really make TKC more prestigeous. Then the new school at the new site can provide the needed places for the increasing intake. If TKC really needs to move to nilai or wherever, just don't name the new school with TK,like what some are saying here.
I think same case happened with KGV before but our OGA fought for it and won.
ReplyDeleteEx- Georgian.
hey. im one of sm sains seri puteri @ SESERI students.
ReplyDeleteas for me, people out there are confusing between my school and ssp,cyberjaya. many of them even dont know that this two schools are different !
and also,the old ssp's memories are with us actually.
I am an old boy of St.John's Institution. I don't think the government can relocate our school in the future because the school building has been declared as a national heritage site. Only that I hope the ministry revert back the official name to St.John's Instution from SMK St John. If Victoria Institution's name which was renamed SMK Victoria has been reverted back to Victoria Institution.
ReplyDeleteSomething to ponder for the old boys or old girls associations of any old schools to preserve their school's heritage buildings.
I watched Majalah 3 on TV3 last Saturday night which devoted the whole hour for a documentary of TKC's move to Bandar Enstek, Nilai.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a good move since the new TKC school had such a huge area and the place could accomodate a lot more students. I think TKC should cater for the need of the presence and future.
Hi im a mcoba member..n im glad that we r still in kuale!
ReplyDeleteAhh, Kuale Kangsor! Love the famous pau Hailam there.
Deleteif tkcog is so upset, y didnt they do a petition b4 all these stuffs happen?
ReplyDeletelawak la KaTaK2 tua ni berbicara
you guys resemble rosmah mansor. big round of applause.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. The feel is not there anymore. It's not MY dorm or MY classroom anymore. I can't tell my daughters that they will be going to MY school because it is not mine anymore. But all good things have to make path for greater things. Bigger campus, bigger facilities so that future generations can enjoy it better. MOE should have not use the nama 'Tunku Kurshiah' again at the same place. Name it SMS Bukit Merbah or something else to preserve the name to only TKC (tamak tak? Boleh lah kan? Heh...). I think I should write something about this in my blog. You inspired me to do so.
ReplyDeletemengarut je korg ni.mna de TKC tkr nama.. jg mulut tu sikit.jgn ckp bkn2 klu xtau pasal tkc
ReplyDeleteAre we going to see a sekolah menengah sains kuala kangsar?
ReplyDeletetapak lama tkc sekarang digunakan untuk sekolah menengah sains perempuan seremban.ok thank you.
ReplyDeleteLol this what happens when people nothing discuss heh such a time waste.whatever but the fact is the old TKC is being named Science Girls School
ReplyDeleteFyi, the old TKC's buildings now named as SM Sains Perempuan or Science Girls School(SGS), not SMSTK. TQ.