Wednesday 12 June 2013

Why PAS will never join Umno for Malay Unity

I have been seeing many Malay Muslim commenters expressing hope that PAS will be joining Umno to counter what they now see as the threat to Malay Muslim survival presented by the Chinese who are totally united under DAP's political leadership.

Sorry to say, I don't see that happening under the present PAS leadership and not likely to happen in the next couple of generations either.

First and foremost PAS shares DAP's objective, which is also shared by the 90% Chinese who voted for them, in killing off Umno.

For PAS, with Umno dead, they will take on the mantle of being the Malay Muslim political force that will shape the direction and thinking of the more than 60% Malay majority of this country.

To their thinking, DAP will only be able to command the support of less than 40% non-malays, hence will never be able to challenge the superiority of their numbers.

They also think that all the present business interests controlled by Umno and the Malays will naturally fall into their control as they hold the upperhand in the Malay internal power struggle.

For them, the end justifies the means.

However, they fail to take into account what their partner are doing to preserve their interests.

For DAP, it has never been MCA.  That's why they managed to convince the Chinese to weaken MCA to such a point without killing it off.

Although it can no longer be a credible partner in the coalition, MCA can still utilise its position within the coalition to protect Chinese large business interests that depend on the government and Umno patronage.

The weakened state of BN also forces Umno leadership to make large concessions to appease the Chinese at the behest of their MCA partners and the Chinese NGOs and special interest groups.

Their final battlefield was supposed to be GE13 where even members of MCA and Gerakan voted DAP.

Their miscalculation was they underestimated the intelligence of rural Malays.


  1. Malay unity is not important for PAS and never will be because it is not important in Islam. What is important is unity amongst Muslims, wherever they come from and whatever they look like.

    1. Typical PAS confused mentality.

      Umayyah, Abbasiah, Othmaniah were clan based empires. So does all empires in the "Islamic" civilisations.

      PAS' confused doctrine created to nullify UMNO's appeal to the Malays. I am Muslim first, Malays second ?!? Satu dunia Islam orang tak buat, PAS di Malaysia nak buat.

    2. Melayu PAS UMNO4 July 2013 at 19:39

      Untuk pengetahuan anda dan yang lain-lain sejarah PAS dan UMNO perlu difahami.

      UMNO adalah golongan Melayu yang berfikiran moden dan nasionalis. Dengan tamat perang dunia kedua, orang Melayu pun ikut sama mahu memerintah tanah air mereka. Ketika itu pun, orang Eropah telah letih berperang dan Kristianity pula sudah disedari sebagai madat untuk rakyat Eropah berperang dan membunuh di seluruh dunia dan di tolak oleh rakyat Eropah.

      Tetapi ada orang Melayu yang tidak yakin atau dengki dengan pencapaian melayu nasionalis UMNO. Orang PAS berkata mcm mana orang Melayu nak memerintah sedangkan buat jarum pun tak tahu. Ya saudara saudari, PAS itu memang Melayu jati tetap Melayu mcm Pak Pandir tgk saja Nik Aziz yang mereka gelar Mur Am. Rupa pun mcm Pak Pandir.

      Jadi the fight antara kegelapan Melayu PAS dan cahaya Melayu UMNO akan berterusan. Bila confidence level rendah, kegagalan dalam cinta dan rumah tangga, Abby pun berhijrah ke dunia yang sedia menerima mereka yang gagal.

      Bila ditolak oleh kebanyakan Melayu moden, Mat Taib pun berhijrah kepada golongan kedai kopi. Bila di tolak oleh UMNO, Nahathir pun dulu masuk PAS.

      What can you conclude? PAS adalah dunia bagi Melayu yang gagal dan kecewa haha.. Jika anda gagal dalam hidup ini silalah masuk PAS.

      Di sana competition tiada. Semua hodoh bertudung dan berjubah. Tak perlu maintain tubuh, yang gemuk dan gelebeh sila masuk PAS termasuk Rosnah yang mengaku Puteri..shhiiishh meluat gua.

      Melayu moden seperti KRU dan Norman adalah mereka yang membangunkan Melayu moden dengan filem dan lagu mereka walaupun tak seberapa sama seperti P Ramlee pada zaman nya.

      Dalam erti lain kata PAS adalah melayu defeatist sedangkan UMNO adalah golongan Melayu moden dan rasionality. Jika gologan yang percaya tahyul , jampi azimat bertambah maka bertambah lah ahli PAS.

      Tapi dunia semakin hampir. Dengan youtube, kebodohan dan hipokrasi akan terdedah juga akhirnya.

      Jika golongan rasional dan saintifik bertambah maka bertambahlah ahli UMNO. PAS dan UMNO adalah lambang kedudukan mentaliti Melayu.

      Sebab itu PAS tak boleh bergabung dengan Melayu UMNO. Sebab mereka bahlol dan dongeng believers. Sebab itu Melayu PAS boleh menerima Cina kafir, makan babi, berak tak basuh sebab mereka bahlol. Cakap macam mana pun, mati-mati dia kata LKS tu akan masuk syurga.

      Keperluan Melayu PAS adalah simple. Perempuan, bini kawan pun boleh tibai asal jangan di beritahu untuk menjaga maslaah hehe..
      Boleh main dihotel asal orang tak nampak sebab kita boleh minta ampun dengan tuhan sebab zina tu dosa dengan tuhan. Memang betul pun, tapi mereka cuma cakap sesama mereka je. Sebab itu PAS lebih liberal dari UMNO sekarang.

      Melayu UMNO dah lama liberal mcm P Ramlee Megat Junid, Musa Hitam dll.. bersambung

  2. Many hope for UMNO-PAS Malay unity but this will not happen.
    DAP & PAS share the same objective of destroying UMNO.Thats about all.
    However PAS & DAP have their own reasons for seeing UMNO dead.
    For DAP its obviuosly to stop the Malay dominant rule.Thats it.
    PAS from day one claims their cause is the Islamic cause.
    This is what kept PAS relevent and sustainable to the Malays.You cannot separate Malay and Islam.
    The last GE13 saw UMNO benefitted from the ALLAH issue and the Negara Islam to Negara Kebajikan fiasco by PAS causing PAS to lose many on the fence Malay support.
    Surely PAS have learnt their lesson from their last minute recall of HUDUD and more so now after seeing the GE results.
    On the other side we do not see if UMNO is changing or can change nomatter how much the president calls for transformation.
    The main reason being they do not see there's anything need to change.
    Last GE13 did not see UMNO lost in anyway, having increased their MP seats from 80 to 88.
    So they are complacent all these years.
    Complacence that led to decadence.
    The photo in LifofAnnie's latest posting "How the word 'Malay' becomes a dirty word" shows a typical example of the products of UMNO who today are destroying UMNO.
    Another group shown in The Unspinners latest posting.
    With all these traitors , or scissors or tanggang's call them whatever in UMNO, do you think PAS need to merge with UMNO??
    Stop the decadence in UMNO or HANCURLAH UMNO.

    1. Correct. UMNO elitist to be purged or PAS tukar UMNO jadi kenyataan

  3. I for one will never see myself joining PAS. If the worst come the worst I will joint Perkasa and that will be the end of my moderation. Hopefully it will never come to that... God forbit.

    :0 sarah

  4. PAS Melayu bodoh27 June 2013 at 20:27

    PAS melayu bodoh. Melayu pandai lah yg dapatkan kemerdekaan. Orang bodoh tetap bodoh.
    Semua penipu macm Mat sabu kaki konkek, Tok Pa pakai serban tapi konkek, Azhar Idrus kaki kongkek.

    Ugama hanya untuk dapatkan perempuan dan duit.

    Mana azhar idrus tahu buat web site muahaha... tapi sebab dongeng arab ada juga pompuan nak konkek dengan dia..janggut hodoh..
