Saturday 14 July 2012

It's official - water crisis in Selangor, KL, Putrajaya

This one I got just now from NST sms alert -

NST 14/07 : Water crisis  has started in Selangor, KL and Putrajaya, and expected to turn for the worse during Ramadhan, says Syabas CEO Datuk Ruslan Hassan.

I was reliably informed that the PKR-led Selangor government in an immediate response had denied there is a water crisis amd that Syabas had got it wrong. They plan to hold a Press conference some time next week to refute in details the Syabas statement.

Guess, to them explaining a crisis can wait for a few days.

Earlier this morning I read the NST front page story that the Selangor government had demanded the BN federal government to put in writing the proposed post-Langat 2 water tariff and declare water facilities worth RM 10.5 billion as state assets before they could even discuss about the Langat 2 water treatment plamt project which would ensure sustainable supply till 2030.

Guess, politics is the most important thing for the people of Selangor in the opinion of MB Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

More important than even the water, I assume.

Well, water represents life for all living things. I don't know how it is with the Pakatan people, but I definitely drink water to live, not politics.


  1. Water crisis according to SYABAS?
    What a joke.

    Non-revenue water NRW over 33% means operationally SYABAS lost 1/3 water every day!

    Ask any business owners whether it's good business practice to lose 1/3 of your stocks every day and yet still make money. People will say you are lousy at business. Some more it's a utilities business which is a monopoly with no competitors...

    But SYABAS can still pay Rozali Ismail millions every year in salaries & allowances!

    If cannot manage the water business, return back to Selangor state and let them show you how to run utilities business efficiently...

    Between Rozali Ismail and Selangor state, i'll bet on the state anytime instead of that greedy lawyer-turn-monopolist.

    ~ Kluang girl

    1. you seem to know everything but only talk with full of rubbish , his salary not just in SYABAS you liar !!! The water problem is at selangor state not SYABAS !!! , you know what it is?? i bet you dont know coz you only talk with full of lie laa amoi .

  2. Its ok, will close the tap on you. Squad for your water.

  3. Hahaha...In other words, MB Khalid is telling the Selangor voters (like what he did in the Ijok by-election) to only way to end the water crisis stalemate is "untuk mengundi calun Barisan Nasional"

    Satu Suara

  4. Oh boy, I can imagine the wrath of Selangor people should there be water rationing during Ramadan. Checkmate to Selangor state goverment.


  5. Most air are taken by Putrajaya and DB KL and see how the waste the water to water the plants and for fountains in Medan Square and KLCC. Whay not DBKL and Putra Jaya build their own dams and water treatment plants and even the shit plants?

    1. Now you talking like PR leader , blames others for own stupidity . even the gov already advise selangor state to continued the dam building , but they full of ego's and of coz they never care about rakyat ! and there you go when monkey got power !!!

  6. Control the water you control the people........ give 20m3 free but could not pay to the people but still need to pay ma........... who pay??????? current state goverment.......who say water is free if you do not control the water business............ hemmmmm...........

    1. only rich people got free , RAKYAT who living in flat and apartments tak dapat laa . This is how Pakatan thinking

  7. wait till water he.he the rakyat should know which MP to .........

    1. U will be the first to die before U can vote DUMNO
