Sunday 27 January 2013

A debate over the handsome old man (Updated)

(Note - Updates at the end of this posting)

Bored to death and feel like writing something...but too groggy to think of anything proper to write. It's the medication I took for the day. Anyway, I better not go around rambling around aimlessly and get mushy mushy like in the last posting.

Therefore, I just want to reproduce here a little debate in the comment section of an earlier post which I found interesting. It's a debate over this handsome old man -

It's a contrast of style between an honest person who was trying to make his opponent see the truth and a cybertrooper who was not stopping at anything to promote an agenda. Ok, you all decide who is whom in this debate, and who is the good person between these two guys (I assume there were only two of them), ok?

Bigcat: very civilised of you to condemn Ibrahim Katak for his senseless remarks. Unfortunately the Umno leadership has chosen to remain silent and we all know why. Ibrahim katak is just a proxy for the evil mamakthir.


  1. You are putting all the blame at the feet of Umno, but you are blind to the fact that DAP leadership has been very freely and openly provoking and fanning negative sentiments all over the place. This is typical of the kind of bigots who are not only biased but also blinkered and arrogant in their stupidity that they think everyone else can be duped and manipulated to think how you people wanted us to think.
  2. Anon 10:27

    There are laws in this country. If someone has fanned racial sentiments, then charge them. Don't hesitate. Two wrongs don't make a right. If there are two wrongs, charge both. Don't charge one and not the other. Mamakthir managed to con the Malays for 30 years by making the Malays look small, while he and his kind made themselves look indispensable. He fanned racial sentiments just to win votes at the appropriate time. He walks on water because he has convinced the Malays that he is smarter than everyone else. He is just a common criminal.
  3. Mahathir did not con anyone. Did he con the chinese? In what way? Did he con the malays? Did he con the indians? You call him a racist just because he is defending the rights of the malays? Did he dismantle the rights of the non malays? Do you know how many chinese became rich when he was PM? And you dont want malays to be rich?
  4. None of you condemned lge when he started this issue. Why? because he is chinese.
  5. Anon 10:48

    Your usage of the term "mamak" in ascribing Mahathir speaks volume of your racist tendencies. The problem with bigots like you is that racism is so ingrained in your being, that in your arrogance, you reveal your own bigotry without even realising it. You think you are smarter than everyone else, when in fact you are just a small-minded racist.
  6. What is your problem with Tun Mahathir? Did you not eat during his time? No food to feed your kids? No money to go to kfc or pizza hut during his time? No car to drive? No house to live in? Did you and family sleep under a bridge during his time? You had to eat gabbage from dustbins? Could not send your kids to school? Could not celebrate your new year? No clinic or hospital to go to when you and family were sick? Could not watch tv? Could not travel freely during his time? WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? THIS COUNTRY NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? ANYONE FORCING YOU TO STAY HERE?
  7. Yes, I have food but not caviar I have a car but it's not a BMW. I have a house but it's not in damansara heights. I have an office but not near KLCC. I go on holidays but it's not first class. I am angry because I could have all these if mamakthir had not squandered all our money. We live an average life but our country's riches meant we could have lived a better life. These crooks led by mamakthir live in guarded mansions with holiday homes in Perth, London, Ottawa, Paris. They drive Lamborghinis and Ferrari s. They have private helicopters and planes.

    Yes, after 40 years of paying taxes, I am angry.
  8. Eh, mahathir not a mamak meh ? Oh I forgot, he is the real king of the poor Malays.
  9. Anon 21:28

    Mamakthir invented the crutch system. Those like you who get the crutches are happy. Those who pay for the crutches are not happy. Faham tak ?
  10. anon7:17 What money did he squander? Which coffee shop did you hear this? Why are you jealous of the rich? NOBODY was given a pot of gold. Everyone of those rich guys took advantage of the many business opportunities offered by the govt. Did you? From your comment it is obvious that you didnt. Did you work hard? I didnt myself because age is catching up. But I showed my children how to succeed and they are all doing well in business . AND none of them knows any govt big guns. They have not pulled any strings because they dont have any string to pull. They all had to apply for loans and had to repay them. This is the crutch system which people like you misinterprete. The govt merely offered opportunities, not free cash.Those who failed still had to repay loans. No such thing as 'no need to pay'. These guys who became rich became richer because they continued scouting for new businesses. Sitting in front of the computer whacking the govt will not get you any where. For those who took up those offers and made it, then why cant they have caviar for breakfast, lunch and dinner? COME ON, THINK HARD.In Malaysia ANYONE can become rich. If you call all rich men crooks, then I feel sorry for you.
  11. Not all rich men are crooks. In bolehland, many rich men got their opportunities through the abuse of the system engineered by mamakthir. The system of nepotism and cronyism perfected by the mamak. How hard did these people work : Daim, Syed Mokhtar, Syed Azman, Mirzan , Mokhzani, Vincent Tan, Nasimuddin, Taib Mahmud, Mike Tyson. The list goes on and on.
  12. Give me 200 APs a year , and I'll be a rich man without having to work very hard. Give me a tollroad or IPP concession, can ? Which rich UMNO guy is not a rent-seeker ?
  13. Oh! These people just goyang kaki and money came flooding in? Are you stupid?
  14. Hey man.Why so foolish? Take the old road. Dont have to pay any toll.
Pointed by Rocky's posting to this brilliant write up at OutSyed the Box blog about an ungrateful bastard - 

Saturday Lite : Ungrateful _$#@_d Has Two Porsches And Two Thoroughbred Horses?


  1. Not only the dap zombies,even those zombies from pas and pakatans are also acting in a state of denials. Their simple ideology is to confront and oppose for the sake of opposing. Close both eyes and ears to others, that's why they are zombies to the core.

  2. Eh Bigcat, isn't Mahathir a mamak ? Nobody can call him a mamak ? What am I gonna tell my kids when we go to mamak shops ? Say "Indian Muslim" shop ?

  3. I yearn Mahathir's era and time. The time where nobody dared to touch on the sanctities of the religions in Malaysia. Islam was upheld and uphold with the best possible care. Other religion too. The time where anyone whom was found to stoke religious and racial tension, will get the repercussion they deserved.
    But today is different. Utterly different. Islam is belittled in the worst possible way. People are free to toss Islam around and no action is taken against them. No respect shown. Even UMNO now look more Islam than PAS. There's something obviously wrong. As if after the governmwnt scrap the ISA, everyone has a free pasport to dabble nearly on everything which was deemed sensitive and off limit before. Currently, we see how these rebel-rousers within our society are having fun running errand on the streets stoking racial and religious tensions and destabilize the country with protest and rallies. And nobody dared to say a word to them. Not even the authorities.
    If Mahathir is still around, these people won't see the light of the day. True, he may have weaknesses during his time but when it comes to the agent provocateur who dared to threaten the Malaysian peace and stability, this guy don't play game.

  4. Mamakthir is evil. Allah keeps him alive so that he can witness the destruction he wrought on this country. He is in the same category as Pol Pot and Robert Mugabe.

  5. Racists and bigots, teh culture of envy. Did you see that only one Chinese name was mentioned among those rich in Malaysia. People look only at current status of the rich. Does anyone know how Daim made it before hejoined government? Or for that matter, Syed Mokhtar? Or all the others?

    These people worked hard and took the opportunities that came their way. If they are successful and showed how they achieved their success, would not they be favoured over others who have done nothing but expect to be given something? Do you want to wager on the winners or the losers?

    Actually, those who have reavealed themselves as racists and bigots and who are envious of other people's successes are the real losers. And, to top all that, they don't want to see Malays succeed. What kind of 'Malaysians' are these. I'd rather not have them here. Yes, we can go to the 'mamak' shop as we don't want to go to the 'kedai Cina kapir'. So there you have it!

  6. Mahathir is the patron PerKasa and Perkida. He is the patron saint of corruption, cronyism, nepotism, tyranny and racism. Shame on those who worship this criminal.

    1. 12:06 -- Call him what you want.Your mother did not have to be whore to raise you in Malaysia. Or was she ?

  7. Big Cat, do you know why Mahathir won't let go ? He's got to make sure (1) there's no truth commission about his misdeeds and (2) his son gets a shot at the Umno presidency. He is worried about getting similar treatment like Ben Ali, muammar Ghadaffi, Hosni Mubarak - all his close friends.

    The day of reckoning for Mahathir will come. Interestingly, it may not necessarily in the afterlife.


    1. Dont know what religion you belong to but really it is not good to talk about the afterlife of a person. Are you without sin? Are you without sin? Are you without sin?

    2. Yes, I have sinned but I don't steal rakyat's money, I don't use C4 on people, I don't cheat at elections, and I don't cry in front of people to win sympathy. And there are no videos of me in the pasar malam.



    3. aiyaaa...steal rakyat's money?

      c4 on people?

      elections cheating?

      u sure u didnt eat stained food from the pasar malam?

      cakap dgn facts bro

      cakap2 kedai kopi tu zaman anwar tpm boleh laaaaa

      not now...LAY OUT THE FACTS broooooo

  8. anon 18:39

    You get 200AP's ok. others cannot. so now we know what kind of person you are.

  9. way more handsome then the piggy-eyed, puffy booze- faced,Cinakui Apek Conman down South hands down!!

  10. Wah....such show of hate for the Mamaks by the Chinese here. They really show their true color. Thats what you people really are - RACISTS!

    1. mamak is chinese, english word? so who is racist to term the word mamak? who is real racist just like the kkk americans or confederates to call blacks nigger? nigger is not malay or chinese word.

    2. dumno, how many rich chinese and indians, mahatail create as compare to rich malayan bumis? how many sabah and sarawakian bumis, mahatail created?
      what kind of dumno thinking to say if one does not like, can leave the country? why not the same dumno thinking to those in the middle east? palestinians have place to live and food to eat. if they dont like, they can come here as dumno welcome them them and give them special previleges and those in dumno have to share with 70 percent.

    3. dumno, how many rich chinese and indians, mahatail create as compare to rich malayan bumis? how many sabah and sarawakian bumis, mahatail created?
      what kind of dumno thinking to say if one does not like, can leave the country? why not the same dumno thinking to those in the middle east? palestinians have place to live and food to eat. if they dont like, they can come here as dumno welcome them them and give them special previleges and those in dumno have to share with 70 percent.

    4. so big cat agrees chinese get hantam. but not all chinese are rich. there are also poor chinese like poor indians and dayaks. if everything is given to syed, this means there are no opportunities for other bumis. others must be given a chance. what has pos malaysia has to do with sea ports? big cat thinks other bumis have no standard and talent.

  11. anon 12:12

    Guys like you are just lazy bums envious of the success of people who work hard. You are one of those who enjoy listening to gossip and swallow everything. Even shit. You dont like this country to progress and prosper but yet praise the development of other countries. You never have any good thing to say about anyone. Yet you and your family are here and choose to remain here because you know you are not welcomed anywhere else. Lazy bums like you will be lazy bums no matter which country you live in and under any government. You are not eating from dustbins, are you? The whole world has said good things about our economy, development and prosperity. Here we have f@#$#s like you who think you know better. Face it. You are just jealous of others. You are not fit to comment about Tun. You are having a good time here all because HE made it possible. If you are not having a good time, it it because YOU missed all the chances of having a good time. Listen to gossip some more and you will be like this till you die. Dont blame others for your own laziness.

  12. These people worked hard ? Did Syed mokhtar work hard ? In 2001, his company SKS Ventures was awarded an IPP concession. He immediately sold it to Malakoff for RM 900 million cash. Malakoff was listed, so they had to make the announcement. Do we believe that shahreezat's family worked hard ? Sure they did - by buying condos with rakyat's money. Do we believe that Tiong and Azim worked hard to create PKFZ ? Sure they did and the project was accelerated to expend over RM 4 billion. Do we believe Taib Mahmoud's family worked hard to justify their hundreds of millions in investments in canada, USA, UK ? Do we believe Jamaluddin Jarjis' s son had the acumen to implrment the 160 million radar system for KLIA ? Do we believe Roopiah could build the 100 million defence training centre ? Or was she trying every hard to cash out ? How did Naza obtain land in kiara at 70 psf when the market is doing 500 psf ? How hard is it to make money like this ?

    Nor Yakcop tried very hard and lost billions. Abu Sahid tried very hard with Perwaja but it didn't work out. Instead, as a reward for failure, he was awarded the Maju expressway which he recently tried to cash out. The ex chief justice got a new expressway concession together with a young Umno lawyer. Did they work hard to learn the tollroad business ?

    Then we have the AES. 800 million for 831 cameras? gold-plated ? Did the clowns work hard ?

    How many billions were reaped from the AP system each year ? Who made the money which is just a form of taxation ? One AP king built a helipad in his house in Ampang !

    Don't mistake public anger and distaste for envy. You work hard, you get your dues. The rakyat gets competitively priced goods and services, not overpriced ones. You work hard at political patronage encouraged by the criminal minds in government, the rakyat suffers.

    1. Hello. Those who were given big jobs had to make sure they succeed. Any nonsense they will face the law. And a few did. The jobs just cannot be given to any asshole. One must be capable. If they had been successful, then why the big fuss? Look at the companies they run. How many employees? Plus their families how many people can can be fed? It is not just the top guys. The economy must expand. Jobs must be created. By whom if not the government? Somebody must be given the job. Unless if you can find a qualified orang utan to lead the company.
      Maybe pkr should start training monkeys to be CEO's. Then there will no talk about cronyism. Each time a human being is given a big job you shout cronyism. GROW UP.

  13. Steal, steal, steal....don't people work hard anymore ?

  14. Mahathir gave citizenship to indons, Filipinos, Indians, Pakistanis and Afghanis. Not because of humanitarian grounds, but to secure votes. That is treason and he had the nerve to attribute blame to tunku for what happened prior to independence.

    1. You try to justify Mamakthir's citizenship for votes scheme. Shame on you. One day, the indons and Filipinas will cause the breakup of this country and we shall see who laughs last.

    2. The handsome old man gave citizenship to get votes? Hmmm...I don't think he is the one who gave the citizenship for his votes la. In the general election of 1999, the Malays got all emotional over the Anwar's Reformasi and many decided to UBAH! The then Home minister Azmi Khaled told me that only 36 per cent of the Malay votes went to BN and by right the coalition should had lost. The Mahathir administration was however saved by another segment of the population who was so scared of Anwar's Reformasi street hooligans tactics. Mahathir was not the one who gave this segment of the Malaysian population their citizenship. Tunku Abdul Rahman did. I think that's why Mahathir got cheekily sarcastic and said a RCI should also be set up to investigate the Tunku's decision to give those citizenship.

    3. Sorry, Azmi was the then DEPUTY Home minister.

  15. Wah, so many supporters of the criminal mind.

  16. Tepat sekali.....kat PRU 13 rakyat akan tolak lanun2 ini. Tidak lama lagi.

  17. Lim Goh Thong was given Genting. He worked hard. You think others did not work hard? Do you think it is easy to run a GLC like DRB? Talk is easy. To accuse is easy.

    1. Lim Goh Tong worked hard. He was given Genting ? He was given the licence but he built Genting and Vincent Tan was also given gambling licence. Not like Syed mokhtar. Semua mahu. DRB, muamalat, proton, perodua, pos Malaysia, johor port, senai airport, tradewinds, padiberas, malakoff, penang port. Latest dia mahu KTM and RTM. Semua sapu. So few qualified Malaysians ?

    2. Poor Syed Mokhtar. I don't think he would kena hantam like this if he is a non-Malay. Want to expand and diversify his business also cannot. Eh, let him be la. Syed Mokhtar is among the only few Malay businessmen who are really good at what they were doing. Just a few Malays want to be successful also cannot ka? Don't be like that la friend. Except for Syed Mokhtar, the ten richest people in the country are all non-Malays, ok? Let one Malay be among them la, can?

  18. Caviar or no caviar I thank God for allowing me to live in peaceful Malaysia. Roti canai and teh tarik, no problem. No caviar, no problem. Would you want caviar morning and night but living in Sudan or Euthopia. Zimbabwe maybe?

    1. Get into your stupid head that if it were not for Mahathir's shenanigans, we'd ALL be having caviar on our own leisure boats moored off Port Dickson. All of us. Not just taib mahmud and sons or Mahathir and sons or yeoh tiong lay and sons.

    2. That's a new one. Throw away the handsome old man and each one of us are going to have a yacht in Port Dickson. Great! Hahaha! Anyway, I had a bit of caviar once, and don't really fancy it at all. Don't know why people like the caviar craving anon above are so crazy about it :-)

    3. I think cincalok tastes better than caviar, but that's just my opinion. I really don't get it, why people are so enamoured by caviar, its just salted fish eggs.

    4. 00:10

      Rich people dont dream. They work. And you are dreaming of a leisure boat. And caviar some more. Others work and then buy a boat. You dream you wont buy anything. Maybe some kopiko only.

  19. Ada orang naik gila tak dapat makan caviar, tak dapat naik heli, tak dapat bawa lamboghini. Macam budak bodoh.

  20. makin lama makin bodoh, tulis yg bukan-bukan !!

    1. Saya rasa awak pun tak berapa pandai sebab baca blog orang yang awak kata bodoh. Cheers :-)

  21. Stupid BN cybertrooper comments. People use caviar and leisure yachts as synonyms for the good life and you interpret them literally. Standard of English must have dropped so much under BN misrule.

    1. Wah, not liking caviar translates into poor English. Wei anon 10:15, that guy just stated his opinion and his personal tastes la, he wasn't commenting on the political interpretations of the good life. He was probably responding to Bigcat's comment about caviar, and wasn't into the politics at all. Like that also you sudah judge his comments as stupid. You a judge or something?

    2. Then dont talk about caviar and leisure boats.

    3. Haiya, now there is a gag order on the topics of caviar and leisure boats? No freedom of expression la like that, want to talk about caviar also cannot.

    4. Poor engrish is poor engrish. No need to be defensive. That's the standard of England education under Dumno.

    5. I guess you must be so proud of your perfect English, learned in England I suppose, since the standard of our English education isn't up to your lofty standards. You should be less condescending towards us the untutored lot, and be generous enough to educate us on the proper usage of English such as proper grammar and spelling, instead of bringing your English down to our level.

    6. Actually its cojmon for DAPster to attack our English and then our education system when they FAIL big time go argue.

      I know these kind of people who migrate with Band 9 to Australia but ended up working as waitresses and midnight china dolls.

  22. Reading and looking at the poor Jakarta folks inundated by floods..they have to wait 3 days for a packet of maggi and a bottle of water???. The flood victims in Malaysia and all Malaysians should take heed as what the Jakarta or Betawi folks suffered. Now JakARTA talked about building a SMART tunnel to alleviate floodings in Central Jakarta but due to pride wouldnt mention Smart tunnel as in KL
    Bless us for being Malaysians
    Those who still gripe and complain at being Malaysians plse go back to Indian or China, we dont want you here actually

    1. these unthankful bunch will not be able to go back to motherland because motherland knows how unthankful they are.

    2. dumno, jakarta is next to java sea. the smart tunnel becomes dumno tunnel unike kl is 20miles from silat

    3. Stupid daspte, KL is located at a river confluence so that floods occur when too many water volume reach the confluence, if wanna know learn fluid mechanics.

      Pakatoon should live in the sewage since everythinb under Malaysian sun is wrong.

  23. hey, if u don't like to read pro BN comments just get out!! We should just count our blessings...Long Live BN!!

  24. out of topic...

    Waaa.. 81% think BN will goin to win on ur top right of ur pages...

    And the nation will become prosper.. InsyAllah... Keep up The good work..


  25. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad safeguarded Malaysia's sovereignty, national interest, and self-esteem. He did not sell our grandmothers down river.

    Thomas Thomas bites the hands that fed him. He should go back to Cardiff, Wales where he came from.

    1. Mahathir sold your grandmothers down the river. You don't know it yet. Have you called your grandmother in the kampung ?

  26. Ok, ok, we won't call him mamakthir. We call the criminal mind "mahakutty". Better ?

    1. Maybe we should call your mother sohai or kwee kia...suka

    2. Cannot call him keling kia or keling celup, because that would upset the Indians. I still thing the term Mamakthir is the most appropriate for the Kerala criminal mastermind.

  27. Must Be the Medication you are taking!

    Guess What? They are not going to do you any good!

    You need to get out of this habit of MERAPU ONLINE. That's the Only cure! Guarantee to make you sane.

    If you still insist to persist suggest you swallow the whole bottle to end your misery

    1. habit of merapu online is not really bad you know. Quite a number of you all Pakatan cybertroopers come here to layan me. Why la you all layan a merapu girl like me? Nothing else better to do ka?

    2. Big Cat, we layan you because we love you mah. No matter our political differences, we can still love each other, no ?

  28. These jokers will never stop until the malays lost everything.. The best part is it is the other half of malays that are helping them. They just cant accept that malays are equally smart, if not smarter than them.. Long live the current govt and off course the father of modernization... YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir. He may have his shortfalls, weaknessess and sins, but who doesnt? At least he has done so many good things for the country and its people..


    1. We are remaining here so that the worshippers of the mamak king can one day see the criminal activities of this king bring this country to ruin. Especially when the indons, banglas and pinoys start changing the demographics and a new bahasa will emerge.

    2. You mean a mix of Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia ? Bisa di beres, pak.....

    3. Face facts. You are remaining here because you are accepted anywhere else.

    4. 'bring this country to ruin' . The opposition has been saying this since 1957. And are we in ruins?

    5. anon 6:12

      you are here because no other country will take you. get real. and you will continue to see this country you hate so much prosper and you become more and more irrelevant with a black heart full of hatred and envy. if you have a heart problem dont go to any hospital, govt or private. they were all part of mahathir's development policy.

  29. Mahathir has committed treason against our ppeople. If you say that his treasonous acts can be offset by the good that he has done, then say so. Don't go around blindly and worship him like a Hindu god.

    1. Anon 02:43

      Carry on respecting the corrupt and those who abuse their power absolutely. We will pray for your descendants while we pray for ours.

  30. Who has forgotten how much Malaysian territory was lost between 2003 to 2008 ? This what is meant by selling the grandmothers down river !

    1. DAPster always give statements without information, spread lies again and again until become blind as a bat on a tea tray in the sky.

    2. Anon 02:44

      You want evidence ? Answer the following -

      1. Who gave the go-ahead for the speculation in the tin market in the 80s where MAMINCO lost hundreds of millions of ringgit ?

      2. Who instructed Petronas to bail out Kumpulan Logistik in 1998 ?

      3. Who instructed Nor Yakcop to speculate in the forex market and lost tens of billions of Ringgit ?

      4. Who gave Perwaja to the Sahid brothers who were previously scrap metal dealers ? When Perwaja failed, who gave the Maju Expressway concession to the same people as reward for their failure ?

      5. Who instructed the ACA not to take action against Rafidah during the case involving her son-in-law ?

      6. Who instructed the ACA not to pursue Ali Abul Hasan when he was found with RM 250,000 in his drawer ?

      7. Who fired Salleh Abas, and tried to re-engineer the judiciary with Lingam ? Korek, korek, korek, he could not remember.

      8. Who gave the bloated IPP concessions to YTL, Syed Mokhtar, and Hamid Pawanteh ?

      9. Who gave all the concessions to Daim and Halim Saad which eventually went bankrupt and had to be nationalised ?

      10. Who started the AP system ?

      11. Who gave fast-track citizenships to Filipinos, Indons, Banglas and Mamaks so that they can be relied to vote for BN ?

      When we have a truth commission, all these will be answered to your satisfaction. In the meantime, we know who the culprit is, and if you choose to deny the Kerala Indian's involvement, that is your right. We know better.

    3. anon 10:48 -- These are not evidence of wrongdoing. Everything above was done legally, above board and constitutionally.

      Anymore stupidity of yours to be shown?

    4. Anon 13:52

      Better for you to say that all those things that were listed above EVER HAPPENED. Dangerous for you and the mamak to admit that they did happen.

    5. You must be the angel god is looking for. Dont send your kid to school. That would be nepotism. Dont give him any milk. That would be cronism. Dont give food to any child during new year. That would be corruption. Your children should only sell stamps at the post office. Higher than that would be nepotism. Remember to send your resume to god. He is looking for angels like you.

  31. Mahathir is the best leader we could ask for..what is done is done...people who question Mahathir legacy of progress are douche bags morohs who will migrate to become dish washers and fruit pickers in Australia and UK after BN kick PR ass in PRU13. Under hus rule, many Malaysian even the so called discriminated Pakatoons become somebody, some become somebody after beunt kicked out of Canada like that moron Thomas but still ungrateful.

    BTW, some young lads manage to produce a parody of Pakatan that does not cost RM1 million like the DAPig gangnam shit..enjoy

  32. Digress sikit, Bigcat. I hear Bijan is unable to deal with Mahathir's rants despite sending emissaries to tell the old man to shut up and retire in peace. Can you check on this ?

    1. Besides being generous by responding to you, and even if I had the time to entertain your presumptuous orders/instructions, I can't, as I have no idea who this person you refer to as Bijan is.

    2. aiya, Kuching Besar, go and read Black Rose, and you will have an idea who Bijan is. He's the hero on horseback in the book.

  33. Musa Hitam said no such thing. You are a big liar.

    1. “If I contest, I will definitely be accused of being a homosexual, of having sex with animals and others. You do not know him (Dr M) like I do. At that time, I also did not have the financial clout. All monies were held by Daim.” Tun Musa Hitam

      His quote did not appear in Utusan or in the mainstream papers.

    2. "...I will definitely be accused of being a homosexual....".

      It was not Mahathir who accused the oscar winning China Doll actor as a homosexual. The China Doll actor was in fact Mahathir's blue eyed boy. It was Karpal Sink who first brought up the matter on homosexuality in Parliament and asked Mahathir to investigate. But that was in the old politics, bitter enemies can become thick friends and vice-versa!

  34. You definitely have a creative mind, making things up as you go along, imagining things that never happened. Have you considered creative writing as a profession? Don't worry, there are good editors who can edit out some of the excessive racist hallucinations.

  35. U must be reading only Utusan. Blind faith.

    1. I think Utusan is more reliable compare to Malaysia Kini ,the Rocket and Harakah or any other pro opposition news .

  36. Yes, according to Umno, nothing of these kinds ever happened. Don't believe, go ask Utusan.

  37. All these UMNO supporters have a standard reply. "He never said such a thing." "These things never happened." "They were all perfectly legal". Betul2 orang yang tidak ade moral.

    1. Ya rite...only DAP supporters got moral. Shheeshhh....

  38. Bukan gua bikin. Orang lain bikin.

  39. Mahathir was a master at political expediency. He tolerated corruption if the end justified the means. He had a file on everyone, to be used if that person were to suddenly go against him. Najib is powerless to act because Mahathir has a thick file on Najib, from the commissions on defence contracts to MoD land being given to his proxies under the disguise of privatisation. Mahathir knew he was untouchable because of this "hidden" ammunition that he carries in his back pocket.

  40. Senang saja nak ajar cina yang tak tahu diuntung ni, Pilihanraya ni undi BN. Lepas tu kita beri tekanan kepada kerajaan untuk tingkatkan kuota bumiputera dalam segala aspek terutamanya ekonomi dan pendidikan. Tak suka dia boleh blah!!
