Thursday 26 January 2012

I would just quit if I'm Ghani

Had dinner with a good friend who is a journalist last night.

He told me about his meeting with KL-based Johorean blogger BigDog earlier in the day.

Asked me what I think of Mr Bigdog's latest posting.

It's a bit long, I think. But I don't want to comment on it. I think I know where it was heading, but let it be lah.

I am honestly still in CNY mood. No energy to call up here and there to check on other blogger's postings or spend time doing research. BTW, I think I ate too many mandarin oranges. Caused extra gas in my tummy liao.

Well, even if I try to give my view, most likely BigDog will have his own take on it. No point going ding dong with him.

As far as I am concerned, pro-Umno KL-based Johorean bloggers like BigDog and A Voice had made up their mind that Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman need to let go off his post ASAP. Based on their postings on Johor, I don't think they like Ghani too much anyway.

So, no point in arguing about that. After all, these good fellas want the best for their party. So, if they feel that Johor Umno will be better off without Ghani, then so be it. I am not even an Umno member, so, why should I be bothered too much. Let them be happy with the likes of Khaled Nordin or Osman Sapian as Johor MB.

By the way, heard Ghani was under pressured by his family members to quit as MB too. They were said to be tired of being slandered because many Umno people think Ghani wants so much to cling on to the post. My sources in PMO had even confirmed that Ghani had conveyed the message about his situation to PM DS Najib Razak. The PM was however said to be quite unhappy about it.

Actually, if I am Ghani, I would quit too. Being Johor MB is definitely not a walk in the park. And the slanderous and libelous stuff one needs to endure is great. And the family have to suffer along.

If Ghani is reading this, here is my message to him -

Datuk, I think you just quit lah. No point continuing sacrificing for all these ungrateful people. You are 65 already. Time to have a time for yourself and your family. Enough la those 16 years as MB, juggling between the interests of the rakyat, the palace, the corporate sector, the JCS etc etc.
  People said lots of nonsense about you and your family members over the years. As if you got so rich being an MB (how I wish those people could reveal the billions of ringgits that you had looted instead of just accusing you of these and that). Why don't you just let those buggers become MB. They want it so much, so let them lah. Let us see how Khaled Nordin or Osman Sapian brings Johor to greater heights, as they so fondly said so. You have done enough for Johor. Not only they are not thankful, but they even spit on you...and your family too.
  I know, you said this is a "perjuangan sepanjang hayat", but its ok lah. You cannot be too principled. Nobody really care about principles anyway these days. All that matters to them is whether you as MB can make them rich or not. They got contract or not....not withstanding whether they really work for it. If you don't give them (because they are just assholes who only care about their own tembolok) they will go on a warpath to kick you out. Hell, they are even willing to kick your wife and children too.
  So, Datuk Ghani, I think you just quit lah. I am also quitting Johor after this general election. Enough lah. Tired already liao.

Ok, happy or not. I told Ghani to quit already. What else you all want? Sheeeeshhhs......

ps. Datuk Ghani, almost forgot, please tell your people not to give up for now and continue with the preparations for the general election. You and they all must ensure BN still hold Johor before leaving. Must go with clear conscience ma.


  1. yes quit lor datuk...ur family had suffer enuff...i wanna cry lor...


    seriously dude..suffer enuff...

    kalau datuk onn jaffar ada basikal buruk...ini latuk bersara aku tak tahu...ler apa yg dia ada..keh keh keh.....suffer enuff...

    mahu hantuk kepala ke dinding beb...

    The Family had suffered funny...after all this while as the MB of Johor the famiy of Ghani had suffered enuff..

    YEs...Ghani...please leave Johor and UMNO leadership ASAP....

    dah lama dah,....jemu dah wei...

    siapa calon? pandai2 le Najib sebagai PM dan pengerusi BN pilih yg terbaik..

    muo mari

  2. muo mari,
    tak khaled nordin, osman sapian....tak pun orang muo macam engko juga Razali Ibrahim, mesti engko suka...yak yak yea.

  3. Bigcat, kalo Wan Firdaus mangkuk ayun budak suruhan Ghani Zapin boleh jadi Director di Kulim Berhad, siapa2 pun layak ganti tempat MB Johor. Ko pun boley jadi MB Johor Bigcat, gua tak de hal. Dan kepada MB Johor yang baru nanti, jgn lupa "terajang" Zaki, Natasha, Edward dan Wan Firdaus keluar dari Kulim, Damansara Realty dan dari negeri Johor tercinta.

    org muwo

    1. Bagi je kat Dr Boo jadi MB. Lagi cun. Janji jangan si Ghani. Betul tak? Lepas tu kita semua menari tarian naga pulak. Zapin tak main le.

  4. Bigcat,
    Preparing an eulogy before one is pronounced dead?

    1. Big Cat

      Apalah ko pegi sebut Khaled Nordin.

      Now I have to change my mind.

      Hidup Gani!!!

  5. Big Cat,
    Ghani tak boleh quit. Kalau dia quit, baik jangan pakai baju Melayu Teluk Belanga lagi. Pakai cekak musang aje.
    The MB has a lot more to do for Johor, a lot more than before. For one thing, I don't see anyone else capable of upholding the integrity of the state government at this point of time. Yes, Najib needs someone strong at Federal level, but pulling him out of Johor before PRU13 will create too huge a vacuum.
    Bila banyak vacuum, banyak hantu beb.

    Thank you.

  6. BigCat,

    Kita semua ni sayang Johor. Johor signifikan kepada sejarah Melayu moden, Malaysia dan penyumbang paling kukuh bagi politik Melayu berhaluan kanan.

    Kita sedor apa yang terlah berlaku, sedang berlaku dan boleh menelaah apa yang akan berlaku. Sebenarnya tanggungjawab dan cabaran yg dipikul Datuk Ghani Othman.

    Kita sedar cabaran yg melanda Johor, semenjak kepimpinan lemah PM 'Flip-Flop' Abdullah. Kita juga amat perihatin cabaran dan masalah yg timbul kebelakangan ini. Ini dikeruhkan lagi dengan "Ghost of Johor" dan mereka yg cuba cuba mengaut keuntungan dari tangan orang lain yg 'bernaung' dibawah 'roh jahat' ini.

    Kita sebenarnya bukan mahu jatuhkan MB Ghani atau meminta dia berundur. Johor bukan sahaja memerlukan kepimpinan yg berminda strategis, mampu berdiplomasi dan pandai mengurus. (Mengurus disini dimaksudkan pelbagai variable seperti Istana, JCS, JCorp, pelabur, pemipin politik, rakyat dan Kerajaan Persekutuan).

    Beliau kena tunjukan KEPIMPINAN MANTAP yang dapat dilihat oleh semua pihak berkepentingan (stakeholders) dan bukan sekadar mereka didalam 'belakang tabir' (backroom).

    Contoh yg beliau perlu buktikan ialah perlantikan empat orang Lembaga Pengarah baru JCorp/Kulim.

    Keyakinan majoriti perlu dikembalikan. Demi kakitangan awam, swasta dan korporat, pelabur, orang politik dan juga rakyat jelata.

    Setuju dengan Datuk Rocky. Kalau Ghani under diri dipersimpangan ini, apakah MB akan datang berminta untuk perjuangankan warisan Johor seperti 'Zapin'? MB Ghani pun sebenarnya seorang pejuang. Keluarga beliau terkenal dengan pencak silat dan kepahlawanan. Orang Sg Matilah, katakan!

    Masa tidak banyak lagi. Suka atau tidak, MB Ghani perlu bertindak. MB Ghani PERLU BANGKIT DAN MENUNJUKAN KEPIMPINAN!

  7. Ade orang tua kate, 'orang Johor kuat merajuk', sikit2 merajuk - tak tahan pressure. Contohnya beliau kate - Hussein Onn letak jawatan pasal merajuk. Betul agaknya? Tengok awak sendiri bigcat dah suruh Gani letak jawatan tak tahan orang kate dia. Relax beb!

    Orang JB

  8. hehe...aku cuma lawak aje bila big cat kata ghani family had suffered enuff..aku rasa sebaliknya adalah.

    anyway aku setuju si kaki zapin ni tak blah secara mengejut especially bila pru just nak masuk lap koner baring ni.

    runtuh semuanya...

    tetapi sila lah berambus bila habis pru nanti...dan cukup2 ler..jemu wei MB berpenggal penggal..takkan ler satu pengganti dari UMNO jOhor tak layak jadi indispensable ke ghani....nampak sgt UMNO Johor ni lembu semuanya kalau tarak sorang pun Najib bole korek daru ratusan ribu ahli UMNO Johor.

    takkan ler dlm radar Najib Razak yg bole jadi MB Johor ni OSman Sapian Jazlan Khaled Nordin...Johor mempunyai ahli UMNO antara yg teramai di seluruh Malaysia takkan takde yg bijaksana .

    takkan liberalist ,Mat Jingga , kaki dangdut je yg diwar warkan jadi calon beb.

    muo mari

    1. muo mari
      tak payah kasar sangat halau orang. cakap baik2 je. kita kan org melayu. mak bapak tak ajar kita kurang ajar sangat. memang ghani nak blah dari johor pun. macam Tun M nak blah dulu lah. lepas tu kita dapat Pak Lah. gembira semua orang. Johor ni lepas tu engko amik sikit, dia amik sikit, kenduri bagi2 ramai2. memang best.

  9. org johor, ek? udah le tu, MB ghani, if you are reading my anonymous comment, jual air liur dapat ai liur gak. Tak kan lah nak minum air liur je, ekkkk?

  10. Muo mari,

    Apa la punya bahasa kasar mcm tu tak mencerminkan org Muor langsung. Dia ada jg jasa pada negeri so jgn lah tgk kelemahan dia saja. Sapa naik MB sure pening kepala nk handle Johor, aku tau ko pun tau apa sebabnya. Relax bro...

    Mak mentua org Muor

  11. Bigcat,
    I always have problem when a Ketua Pengarah of a Jabatan being extended his service although he has reach the mandatory retirement age. The only flimsy excuse given is that none of his subordinate is ready to take his place. My foot! If i am the power that be, I'll charge that Ketua Pengarah for dereliction of duty, ie, not teaching his subordinate how to work and if he does teach, then he should charge his subordinate for being a nincompoop!

  12. I really appreciate what u hv done. Most of my friends are very sick with johor's MB.

    Btw, pls dont spread fitnah. B fair to the MB. But, pls share with us his blunders and why he should quit!

    1. His blunder is for being a good man. Thank you.

    2. u r making me smile ... "good man"? i beg to differ

  13. This is my personal view ....
    Straight to the point, I dislike Ghani because :
    1. When he became the MB of Johor he "bulldoz" most of TS Muhyiddin plan and projects. (I appreciate the leadership of DS Ali Rustam which carry on TS Rahim Thamby Chik legacy!)
    2. Johor is badly managed under his leadership for 16 years! Deficit and mounting debts (Pls re to Audit Report)
    3. Politically, I think he is in control but in due cause many political leaders has been sidelined. As a result, only YES man still survived.
    4. No succession plan. It seems that he want to become MB forever.
    5. Controversy in .. KPRJ, Danga Bay, Tebrau Teguh, SAJH. Coming soon ... JCorp group of companies. Disaster in the making.

    If he is GOOD, I don't mind to have him for another term or "forever".
    Well, as per now .. Do we need him? my answer is NO!
    My wish in the next election is that he is no longer Johor MB or BN will not get my vote.

  14. Rest assured, Ghani is leaving Johor after the coming general election. I already told him to do so. Anyway, please blame Tun DrM for sending him down here in 1995 and Almarhum Sultan Iskandar for not wanting to let him go in 2004 and 2008. Under Ghani's bad leadership Johoreans suffered such severe hardship that in 2008, it was the only big state where the Malays are not in the outright majority (the others being Selangor and Perak)where BN was still in control. I hope you get your wish for Johor to get someone like Ali Rustam as MB. But please tell this Ali Rustam-like guy to be extra careful not to get caught by the Umno disciplinary committe for money politics. Thank you.

  15. MB Johor baru...Khalid Nordin? Osman sapian? Oh, tidak, tidak, Ghani will have to stay for a while yet and actually he should already groom a successor of his own choice before he can go quietly into the sun.

    1. Dear eddy, a successor of Ghani's own choice will not be acceptable to the people who want him to go for obvious reasons. Maybe we should give the likes of Khaled Nordin and Osman Sapian, or an Ali Rustam-like 'leader', the opportunity to be Johor MB, so that Johoreans can have a taste of what it is like to have a different kind of MB helming Johor BN. It should be 'fun' to watch, if not painful.

  16. Khalid Nordin sbg mb johor?
    Oh tidak!!!

    Org Johor x mudah lupa. Mari kita flash back ... Masih ingat lg kprj asset dan juga kes balak di bekok? Bakal mb johor???? Mmmm ... Carilah calon lain.

    Asal bukan ghani & asal bukan khalid... Hahaha

  17. err,,, mencelah sikit. rasanya lepas ni bukan pm najib punya decision to lantik mb, u all tak sebutpun kuasa sultan johor yg kini sudah kembali seperti sediakala! rasanya kita pernah dgr mcm mana pm flip flop dimalukan almarhum ayahanda sultan.... sapa plg pandai bodek sultan dia akn jd mb after pru 13. for ghani i agree with big cat, quit ajala... u pun dah penat esp melayan karenah sultam, layan karenah tsm! tp ada ke pemimpin johor sesabar ghani dlm melayan karenah org johor ni?
