Tuesday 12 March 2013

Why aren't we surprised?

Despite what is happening in Sabah at the moment, the opposition pact leaders and propaganda apparatus are still in their all out "attack-the-police-army-government" mode.  There was Tian Chua, and now we also have Nurul Izzah as reported by MIK.  But then we shouldn't really be surprised, because as Annie reminded us here, they see our police the way Kiram and his army saw our police, and if they had the chance, they probably would do the same things that Kiram's men did to our men and women in blue.

I've got here some photos of our forces in action in Sabah,  not that war is cool, but I really admire them, because despite the noise made by these opposition mosquitoes, they just ignore them, like they ignore the gnats and the leeches in the jungle.  Annoying, but of little consequence.  How cool is that?

And little girls wave at them too.

Al Fatihah
4.17pm: One soldier was killed during a fire-fight with a group of terrorists in Kampung Sungai Nyamuk in Lahad Datu at 10.45am today. Three terrorists were also killed.

The First Attack
Part 1
Part 2


  1. Akak, sayu rasanya bila tgk gmbr2 tu. Timakasih akak

    Parit imam

    1. Tu lah, mereka bergadai nyawa untuk kita. Akak pun tak sanggup nak letak gambar wira-wira kita yang terkorban, terlalu sedih ... namun mereka dah tentu syahid kan? Kita ni belum tahu lagi. Mulanya ingat nak letak lagu Pahlawanku versi Siti, tapi macam terlalu emo plak. Tak macam Tinsel the CT ratkiller :D

    2. Whatever ... go ahead with the expletives if it makes you feel better.

    3. Hi Anon 20:40

      Just wondering, that word politisicising, is it a noun or a verb?

    4. Anon 21:31, since I can't find it in the dictionary, maybe it is used in the canine world, probably something insulting.

    5. Yeah, either that or he needs to work on his spelling. While he's at it, he should probably be more imaginative in mouthing his cuss. Pure, unadulterated cuss words is so passé.

  2. They have done us proud. Hanya Allah swt yg akan membalas jasa dan pengorbanan mereka. For us life must go on.

  3. Try reading the special report in the NST where those who were there told of how our heroes were killed in the incidents in Kpg Tanduo & Kpg Simunul. Just reading the words, I felt sharp stabs to the heart.

    And just a short while ago, yet another hero was killed, this time from the Armed Forces.

    I cannot even begin to fathom how ungrateful these cretins can be. They bleat & bleat about how much the country sucks but they fail to account for their own actions in inciting & sowing hatred in the rakyat.

    Malaysians must realize that if we hand the reins of our nation to these self serving, morally decadent & thankless pricks, we seal our doom.

    1. I have updated with the news of the latest fallen hero, and the two parts of that encounter.

    2. Thanks Tinsel. Since a lot of PR supporters claim that NST publishes lies,I'd very much like to see them call the journalists & the officers in the article liars.

      Here's a link for the other story, where VAT69 suffered the first two casualties of the conflict.


    3. I have added the link to the main posting, thank you.

  4. Hi, do you know that besides their cursing and stupidity, the pinoy said our army are photogenic. Well, yes. They look cool with all those gadgets!.

  5. Masih tak dapat selesai lagi? Dengan anggota yg begitu ramai tak dapat menamatkan pecerobohan ini.Dah tu kena pulak.
    Menteri Polis/Tentera elokla letak jawatan.

    1. man.
      Kalau hang pandai sangat, aku cadang hang pergi Kementah, mohon daftar untuk berjuang di barisan depan.

      .Pengganas ni bukan sebarangan, Man.
      .Mereka sudah berperang gerilla hampir seumur hidup mereka. Mereka dari kkehidupan yang gasar, berani mati dan kejam. Untuk hidup, mereka sanggup makan apa saja. Jangan terkejut kapada orang pun mereka sanggup makan.
      .Kebanyakan mereka ada senapang di rumah. Kecil2 sudah biasa.
      .Kesemua keturunan nenek-moyang mereka pun adalah pahlawan perang; menentang Sepanyol, British, Amerika, dan tentera Filipina. Walaupun mereka tak menang, orang asing yang menentang mereka pun tak boleh menumpaskan mereka sepenuhnya, termasuk tentera Filipina sekarang.
      .Mereka telah lama merancang. Mungkin mereka sudah berbulan-bulan korek kubu/terowong bawah tanah dan ada bekalan makanan dan senjata tertanam di dalam semak dan hutan di situ. Kini sudah hampir 2 minggu, mereka belum putus bekalan makanan, masih sihat dan cergas. Senjata canggih. Mungkin ada night google dan long range sniper. Persekitaran di sini , sama seperti di kampung mereka. Mereka bole makan kelapa sawit atau umbutnya. Cacing tanah, pun boleh di makan.
      .Polis VAT69 atau Kommando kita yang ada pengalaman perang zaman komunis, semuanya sudah pencen atau meninggal, seperti Dato Kanang. Mungkin kita patut gunakan Senoi Praq.
      .Pengganas sanggup mati kerana ganjarannya sudah tentu amat besar, kalau berjaya dapat Sabah. Mereka akan jadi Perdana Menteri atau menteri-menteri atau Panglima Perang kerajaan DiRaja Sulu Sabah. Tentera/Polis kita hanya dibayar tak melebih RM1000 sebulan.(Prebet)

      Hang jangan pandai cakap saja.
      Hang berani sangat ka nak pergi bertempuur? Peluru berdesing atas kepala.
      Aku pernah masuk hutan masa bobby-trap banyak dulu; nak letak tapak kaki pun takut, terpaksa pijak bekas kaki orang yang di depan. Kalau terserempak dengan komunis, kepala tak angkat dah. Tembak membabi-buta saja. Jangan tertembak kawan sudah.

      Sepatutnya Ketua Polis atau Tentera, sekali-sekala saja yang bercakap pada reporter. Lebih baik bagi orang yang mahir bercakap. Pasal itu kita panggil 'jurucakap'. Mereka sepatutnya sentiasa duduk bersama panglima medan dan merangka pelan tindakan. Kerja mereka bukan untuk melayan pemberita atau mengiringi ahli politik.

      Kalau mereka letak jawatan pun, tak tentu pengganas akan letak senjata juga.


    2. man,7;47.

      Orang yang berfikir apabila bebicara mengunakan akal mereka,orang ada akal tapi tidak mengunakan serupalah macam kamu.

    3. Nampak sangat kes ngabis beras mak bapak hang sorang ni.

      Sedap sedap je mulut nak komen tapi otak tak nak pakai. Kalau ada pasaran otak 2nd hand, otak hang tu confirm tinggi harga nya pasal tak selalu pakai.

      Satu lagi, kita ni bukan negara komunis ada menteri polis & menteri tentera. Yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal keselamatan tu Menteri Dalam Negeri & Menteri Pertahanan. Tu lah, dulu suruh belajar rajin rajin, pegi dating. Dah besar pulak berita tak nak baca.

      Ish, ish, ish engkau ni man. Ape la nak jadi?

    4. Satu lagi Man.

      Dalam situasi ambush, tembakan pertama adalah ke sasaran dan jarang miss. Semestinya penembak tepat. Selanjutnya hanya bergantung siapa lebih ramai dan berani. Penganas hanya tunggu, kita yang terpaksa cari mereka.

      Mereka yang perang gerilla, selalunya bergerak sangat perlahan sambil meniarap saja atau statik. Pengganas ada kelebihan jika ada terowong bawah-tanah. Mereka boleh lepas kepongan dengan mudah. Selepas ambush, mereka hilang tanpa dapat dikesan. Lepas tu orang akan kata mereka ada ilmi ghaib pula. Pada hal, mereka ada terowong untuk lari.

      Kalau tak tahu apa-apa, lebih baik diam. Jangan berlagak pandai macam Nurul anak Aljuburi. Nanti terserlah kebodohan.


    5. Well said RD.

      "Mereka sudah berperang gerilla hampir seumur hidup mereka. Mereka dari kehidupan yang kasar, berani mati dan kejam. Untuk hidup, mereka sanggup makan apa saja. Jangan terkejut kapada orang pun mereka sanggup makan. Kebanyakan mereka ada senapang di rumah. Kecil2 sudah biasa.Kesemua keturunan nenek-moyang mereka pun adalah pahlawan perang"

      I think this is the main reason why deep down they don't want peace. They are not well-equiped to handle it. Most of them have no skills to survive in a peaceful world. They will simply fade into nothingness.

      With conflict, at least they are "somebody" since they can use their guns to justify their existence. If they didn't kill our boys, I can feel almost sorry for them. Their life must be hell. Nothing to look forward to.

  6. Bitch of the Year = Nurul Izza

    1. She has that locked in year after year since '08. Then again, since '08, we have so many worthy winners that it is only fair we expand the award to be Bitches of the Year.
