Saturday 6 April 2013

Political Thuggery Goes International

I think the ABU and their Tahan activities have gone too far.  You can read about them at Helen Ang's here and here.

Preventing foreigners from voting?  How do you define someone with MyKad as a foreigner?  You are that pure are you?  You ABU Tahan people are all 100% Temiar or something?

Hello, uncle .. you don't have enough audience in Malaysia for your vitriol ke, that you have to start spreading and exporting your venom beyond the borders?  Why just the Indonesians?  Why not include the Chinese and Indians?  Aren't their "motherland" farther away than Indonesia?  Come to think of it, why not include those from the Netherlands too?

I really cannot understand these supremacist types who think they have the right to decide who deserves to be a Malaysian and who doesn't, according to their own narrow definitions.

I chose to be Malaysian, live in Malaysia, be loyal to Malaysia, just like those formerly undocumented Indonesians and Filipinos whom I bet value their MyKads far more than these Tahan lot ever do.  I think we have the right to vote for whomever we believe should lead this country because we are invested in its future.

Will I be stopped at the polling station by these belligerent hooligans then?  It isn't enough to incite the Chinese to "Revolt", you have to start bullying those you deemed as foreigners (because you think they don't share your point of view) from voting too?  Desperate much?

Hey, I can play the game too.  I decree that all those not born in Malaysia should not be allowed to become an MP or ADUN, they are not even allowed to vote.  How's that?

We are only deserving to be Malaysians if we vote for anything but Umno?  Woi, Umno does not contest in the elections la ... BN does.  Where I am, the fight is between DAP Lim against BN, and DAP Boo against BN.  Not a single Umno candidate.  You think I am going to vote for some backstabbing duo?  You never know whom they will betray next, most probably the rakyat.  If they can betray their own partner, they can betray anyone because only their interests are of priority one.

Sometimes I wonder whether these ABU types even care to see and understand anything beyond their own self-interests, collective insecurities, and narrow world-view.  Next they will be encouraging some idiots to take up arms to make sure that they get what they wanted, the way they wanted it.  Their way at all costs, to hell with everyone else.  Banyak cantik punya muka.

Do we really want to accede to these belligerent ABU bullies by voting the way they want us to vote?


  1. Formerly undocumented Indonesians and Filipinos have no right to vote or MyKads. I don't care how loyal they are, whether they see themselves as Malaysians or how long they have lived here. Your attitude to people breaking immigration and election law is contemptuous. Why defend them or those that aided them in breaking the law in Malaysia?

    1. Who said anything about breaking the laws? They are Malaysians according to the laws of Malaysia. Why should those gifted with Malayan citizenship in 1957 begrudge the Sabahans their Malaysian citizenship when Sabah formed the Federation of Malaysia with Malaya and Sarawak?

    2. Going by your logic, why defend the acts of a minority intent on creating fear to others for personal & selfish reasons? Are you condoning Haris' act to threaten others? What about his blatant insult against the Indonesian government? What if a diplomatic spat happens? God knows Indonesians aren't really fans of anything Malaysian.

      So how? Don't condemn Haris but condemn someone for stating the obvious?

    3. Anon 17:11.

      Why are you against Indonesian & Filipinos being granted citizenship? Why the need to be selective?

      I have seen on TV, a whiteman, Chineses from China and Indian from India being given IC by KDN Hisham, but never heard anybody compliant. They spoke English when interviewed. Don't know whether they passed the Bahasa Melayu test. Nobody threaten them from voting.

      Even Perkasa don't say anything.


    4. Anon 7 April 17:16, I think you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. Please seek help.

    5. OneMillionCommunistChineseinSingpaore8 April 2013 at 15:24

      BigCat,bigcat one million Communist China from mainland China in Singapore is not paranoia. The Communists are really there. Just take a look at these articles.

      "Neither is it a surprise given the relentless influx of mainland Chinese into Singapore in recent years.

      Due to the PAP’s pro-China immigration policies, economic migrants from the poor inland provinces of China have been flocking to live, work and study in Singapore.

      Some like 28 year old Chinese language teacher Zhang Yuanyuan obtained her Singapore PR within 2 months of application while others like 21 year old Wang Peng Fei who was expelled from his school lately for posting a racist video about Singaporeans online came to study in Singapore universities and private schools.

      With one out of five people living in Singapore being a China national, Singapore now has one of the highest number of Chinese nationals in the world after China itself. Some places in Singapore such as Geylang are already resembling a third-tier township in China."


      1 million Chinese nationals in Singapore, a whole lot of unhappy Singaporeans
      by Christine Posted on July 29, 2011

      At the beginning of the year I spent in Singapore (2006-2007), I often heard Singaporeans remark on how “the damn foreigners are taking over our country, especially those from China.” I found that funny since a white person once muttered the same thing about me and my Singaporean friends "

      "The accident, captured by the dashboard camera of another taxi, has uncorked long-stewing fury against the surge of new arrivals from China, part of a government-engineered immigration push that has almost doubled Singapore’s population to 5.2 million since 1990. About a million of those newcomers arrived in the past decade, drawn by financial incentives and a liberal visa policy aimed at counteracting Singapore’s famously low birthrate."

      And here we have RCI on a sabah filipinos and suluks.

      The racist Chinese Governemt of Singapore should not be allowed to oppress the natives Malays by bringing in their cousins from the Republic of Communist China.

    6. That would be up to Singaporeans to handle, nothing to do with Malaysia and Malaysians. Malaysia and Malaysians should not meddle with Singapore internal matters.

    7. ChinaGrandDesign11 April 2013 at 21:28

      Thats shows how naive Malays leaders are. Singapore is just a causeway away. The comments even mentioned about pincer action. Attacking the malay peninsula from the north and from the south.

      We are not meddling in singapore, we are ensuring our security if we object to the communist chinese brought in by the Chinese government of singapore.

      Thats what responsible govt do like the US or China or Japan. You must understand dangerous situation.

      A million chinese communist definitely will change the power balance in malaysia so it is our right and it is important for the Malays to register our displeasure.

      Even the local chinese are not happy. so we want to know. Is this the grand design of Communist China itself?

      The Chinese have always been imperialistic from early history so they would not change their spots.

  2. I wonder why he left out the Caucasians. My 2 uncles & 6 cousins speaks like ang mohs, acts like ang mohs, looks like ang mohs by virtue of their father/grandfather who is an angmoh. All are voters & all are intent on voting.

    When I asked them about the threats on our daily Skype chat, two cousins said that they're gonna punch them arses till the fall if they even tried to stop them voting. As the two cousins stand over 6 feet tall, lifts weights for fun & can have a fearsome temper, I hope they get accosted by the thugs. I know who I'Ll place a wager on.

    Btw, who la appointed this mental fella to speak on my behalf? Ada referendum ka that I missed? Or did I sign some kind of declaration to that effect?

    Times like this make you wish our government treats rabble rousers like this the way the US DHS treat potential terrorist. A few years in Gitmo should be sufficient to reform a character like this eh?

    1. These are unreformable characters .. gitmoing them would be pointless. They should just be let loose on one of the islands off Sabah, Survivor-style.

    2. try Timbuktu. that place is secluded. they can do whatever they want over there.

  3. Anything but umno lah, kucing bodoh.

    1. I belive that this ABU (anything but UMNO) will failed because their targeting UMNO ,in another word's, it's targeting the Malay as a community (bangsa Melayu dan keturunan Melayu) because UMNO is belong to the Malay and they were never intelligence enough to do that.
      Actually it's gave rise to the Malay sentiment as they see that' they' the Malay are under attack hear because UMNO is only belongs to the Malay, and as Malay are larger in number we will see that candidate who are not Malay but under BN labelled would pay for the price too, not only non Malay candidate from Pakatan.
      So much of Pakatan maturity in politic.

      Anon 17:16 is a classical example of Pakatan politic (calling others then thems 'bodoh' is their ways of political understanding ) ,they learn from their master .

    2. Anon 17:16, what is your point then? Just because you can't articulate anything other than what is drummed into that vacuum in your skull by your masters, you come in here feeling pandai and start calling others bodoh? How much more bodoh can you get?

    3. that Anon is paid RM10 per comment. I got this piece of news from my buddies in Penang. its GE season. the pay is going up because they are running out of staff to run their cyber war machinery. that's why this Anon is posting these silly comments. he has to troll too many blogs and sites. the workload is wearing him down. I bet he's also the same guy trolling at Stop The Lies. he was very active yesterday, during lunch hour. L O L !

    4. Anon 11:00

      That's what happens when you're a mercenary. You get bogged down by the demands made of you. It becomes a chore, burdensome & mentally, you wanna block it all out. I've commented on numerous sites but masih rocking lagi ni. Takde pulak nak one liner macam mamat Komtar tu.

  4. The big bully in class now turned crybaby ? Bukan gua bikin is always dumno's excuse

    1. The loudest whiners and bullies have always been the pro-opposition lot. Have you heard BN or Umno complaining to all and sundry about anything? It has always been the crybabies of the opposition pact, complaining non-stop about this and that, going to the streets on whatever pretext they can imagine, and all their so-called NGOs pandering to foreign special interest groups - Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Philippines, you name it, they've been there whining and begging for attention.

    2. I thought blaming someone else was trademarked by Guan Eng, Khalid Ib et al?

      Kpg Buah Pala? BN's fault

      No water? Syabas' fault

      Loss of Rainbow? Dunno whose fault lah but definitely not LGE's fault

      DAP election chaos? Excel's fault
      2+ billion cost difference? Word's fault

      Adun Bota playing lompat si katak lompat? Nobody's fault, PR's credit

      Adun Bota & two others doing the triple jump? BN's fault

      Mat Sabu's sexcapade in budget hotel? Jabatan Agama Islam's fault for catching him with his pants down, I mean off, I mean... You know what I mean lah.

      Anwar Ibrahim's coffee boy fantasy? Entah lah whose fault. Budak tu kot pasal dia dah sumpah laknat.

      Anwar Ibrahim's chinadoll fantasy foreplay & roleplay? Datuk T's fault

      Anwar Ibrahim's armpit smelling extravaganza? CK, Hugo Boss, Davidoff etc punya fault kot pasal perfume diaorang perghhhhh harumnya

      Anon 17:18 can't score even in a brothel waving wads of cash earned through trolling blogs? Dunno whose fault but definitely not his for having looks like Guan Eng. You know, oily side parted hair that was en vogue before LGE even went to Kamunting. Maybe he should try his luck in Segambut or Permatang Pauh. You know, the Anugerah Tuhan's abode. Even if you don't score, you would in all probability get scored.

  5. If the Opposition is so sure of winning, no need threats or thuggery !

  6. Push ! Push ! Push hard ! Shove ! Shove ! Shove hard ! BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties. A landslide victory awaits you !

  7. "Do we really want to accede to these belligerent ABU bullies by voting the way they want us to vote?"

    Hell No!

  8. Whichever way you throw the dice, the Opposition is not going to win and it will be a landslide victory for the BN with the 14 component parties. The DAP does not deserve to have a single vote from any Malaysian.

  9. Who wants to vote for the Singaporean Chinese - DAP, the very rich - PKR - the very religious - PAS. These people do not represent the true interests of the Malaysians. Unite ! All Malaysians and vote them out by supporting the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties .

  10. I may have mobility problems and impaired vision (I'm 69) but if anyone of them tries to even speak to me, I'll whack him/her with my tongkat.

    You know who I will vote despite the fact I live in an opposition (DAP/PAS) stronghold.

    Good one Purple gal!

    1. Thank you sir, let us show them that we have as much right as anyone to decide who should represent our interests in this country. Salute!

  11. these ABU hacks have no guts. they just shout here and there. if they are indeed brave, they would have taken to the streets by now. they are hiding behind their computer screens shouting trash. these ABU people are garbage. after GE13, their leader Haris will rename himself Habis. no doubt about it.

  12. Haris Ibrahim is just a sad old man, gone delirious because no one pays attention to him anymore. His irrelevance has lead to his incontinence ha ha.

    I hope the cops keep an eye out for these losers who will try to create chaos to get attention.

    1. That uncle should be given greater attention by psychiatric professionals. He's becoming a public menace.

    2. 'ABU TAHAN' pungkoq pada Anuwar, lagi baik.
      Tapi Anuwar mungkin tak ada selera tengok muka pecah rumah Haris ni.


    3. SA, he's not only suffering from incontinence. Probably constipated too judging by his looks

  13. Thank you ABU for helping to clear the electoral roll which can't be done by the EC.

    1. ABU don't clear nothing. They are just major whiners and bullies, and have zero tolerance for dissenting views. They think their way is the only way, any other way should be removed by violence and terror if need be. They think they are better than anyone else, when in fact they have limited mental capacity to think beyond their own selfish interests, totally incapable to see from different perspectives other than their own skewed and twisted one.

    2. Anon 20:11

      i want to call you bodoh, but i wont stoop so low..

      these Haris' ABU and Ambiga's BERSIH are nuisance.. they are making a big noise since nobody is paying attention to them anymore..

    3. Talk about Habis and Iambig a those those two were at the end of their shelf life! kaput! Dah tua. Create huruhara when they monopause ! he he.
      Can get RM50 or not for the two liners.

      PASt Pause long time ago.

  14. Macam mamakthir yang menangis kat dumno GA. Full of crocodile tears.

    1. Anon 13.41

      at least he stepped down.. that nik ajis and lim kit siang, they are crocodiles from the dinosaur age..

    2. Is that the best you can do? Surely Komtar folks would be none too happy with these standards that you all set. The bar is so low that big cat's nephews will walk over it with their eyes closed.

  15. All Malaysians unite and show the Opposition the 10 fingers !
