Tuesday 4 December 2012

Jui Meng the frog shouldn't get over excited

For many years I had witnessed how the opposition seems always been confident of doing well based on the number of people who turned up at their ceramah.

True enough, opposition's gathering were well attended most of the time. Petty traders could even set-up stalls nearby and made roaring business if the merchandise is right.

Yet, time and again they get trounced by BN at the polls. That was until 2008 when there was a groundswell of discontent against the Pak Lah's administration.

So, what was it with the number of people at political gatherings? Why was it not the true reflection of support by the people?

My answer to this -
1. It's the same bunch of people who turned up over and over again at different locations of the opposition ceramah.
2. The crowd consists of people who have nothing better to do and can't afford proper entertainment.

This is particularly true with Malays.

The Chinese would on the other hand only come in droves if there is something to be properly gained from such event.

Ok, I just read an article by Chua Jui Meng, the Chinese political frog who is now heading Johor PKR about how proud he was with the 30,000 crowd at a Pakatan ceramah in Parit Raja, Batu Pahat on Dec 1.

The crowd, whom he described as being mostly Malays were said to be willing to sit in the muddy field in front of the stage and listen with great attention to the likes of himself, Hadi Awang and Anwar Ibrahim. Errr...DAP only send their Mr Bean, Tan Seng Giaw. Johor opposition chief Boo Cheng Hau was also conspicuously missing.

Jui Meng called the whole thing as a sign of "kebangkitan rakyat Johor". Very grand liao.

Well Jui Meng, last time when you was in MCA (become minister some more), of course you can't get that amount of audience. But don't get so excited, over it, ok? Those people you saw that night were mostly fanatical Pas supporters who came from all over the place in Johor, some came all the way from Mersing. They believe that by supporting Pas, they will have easier passage to paradise. So lepaking in a muddy field like buffaloes while listening to conmen like you was nothing to them, ok?

Ya, there were some locals of Parit Raja too, but they were there for the entertainment value lah. If I was in Parit Raja that night, I would probably popped by too, to check out what bullshit Anwar and the gang are selling. Quite fun also what.

Now, these sorts of nonsense would not happened in a Chinese area. You ask them to sit on the muddy field while listening to your dribble and the likelihood is that they will throw the mud at you.

Chinese are not stupid. It's as simple as that.

You want them to listen to you, make sure you had prepared a proper place for them. That's why whenever Jui Meng and his patron saint Anwar Ibrahim went down to JB, they would gather with the Chinese supporters either at a huge Chinese restaurant or in front of the Sutera Mall.

Must have a little makan first, ok?

That was the difference between Chinese and Malay supporters of Pakatan.


  1. Kuching Besar:

    Yes, the Chinese are not stupid. They know that a change is needed, and for every Chinese that turns up at a Pakatan ceramah, 10 others will stay at home and then vote for change. People who turn up for UMNO ceramahs go for the goodies being thrown around, and then they vote Pakatan too. Just you wait. The time of reckoning is coming in a few months.

    1. Change to a party who does not know who will be the pm? no thanks. you dont know anwar, do you? dont support people blindly. but i think you are not only blind but also without a brain.

    2. At GE 13, the majority of malaysians will turn blind and vote for regime change.

  2. Hey, Big Cat, you know that people pay thousands of dollars to sponsor a table at a Pakatan dinner ? They don't do it for the food, believe me.

    1. We can think. That's why regime change is coming.

    2. It is crystal clear now that u cant think.

    3. Then why so takut to call for elections. Each day of delay comes news of further corruption, of power grab and sabotage within UMNO. Fat mama tak cukup makan ke ?

  3. Hahaha....the difference is that Pakatan raise hundreds of thousands of ringgit for each ceramah. All UMNO can do is to spend, spend, spend, without any funds raised. You know why ? Because UMNO steals from the rakyat, and then spends it on their ceramahs.

  4. Bodoh kucing ni. Orang buat derma dengan penuh ikhlas, dan kucing ketawakan orang ni. Perbezaan sangat jelas di antara Pakatan dan BN - Pakatan terpaksa kutip derma, BN hanye pakai duit rakyat.

    Curi2 Malaysia

  5. BigCat:

    You just want to make me laugh. You think you have the pulse of the rakyat. The pulse of the rakyat is in the ceramahs - the thunderous applause when Pakatan talks of endemic corruption, of crony economics, of AES, NFC, PKFZ, new TNB meters, LRT extensions, all given to cronies of UMNO or to UMNO supreme council relatives.

    You want to test the pulse of the rakyat, then call for elections. You will find out the hard way, and perhaps it might accelerate your departure to Taiwan. Wait....but your mandarin is google translate mandarin, so how to go ? Your so-called boyfriend is DAP supporter, so he will be euphoric when there is regime change.

    Like someone said in a previous post, no need to call people names, just call for elections, and the rakyat will decide.


    1. If crowd at ceramah can ensure victory....hadi is pm long time ago.....hahahaha

  6. Dumnos are even worse. They are thieves.

  7. Chinese are not stupid ,that why Mou Dze Dong had to impose communism in China to make them more obedient and had the sense of sharing .
    Their main motivating factor is only ,'atak untong' others than that is not their concern .

    1. Wow! you like china so much? so why are u still here enjoying life?

    2. Anoymous 01:03

      The Chinese are still Chinese because they still go to Chinese school and the same goes to the Indian .Don't blame others if they still to be Chinese and Indian ,it's all a personal choice that you don't want to be Malaysian.

      Malaysian go to sekolah kebangsaan.

    3. U like to eat buggers and KFC so U r not Malayu but Yankees? U learn English and use Iphone so now you have converted to Yankees? Why U still want to live in here. U can go to Yankees as they have invented and produce many things for you to use? You have the choice to STOP using them. Is this what sek kebangsaan in malaysia teaches students Chinese goes to Chinese schools. Go and tell thousands of Malayu to stop going to chinese schools.

  8. Malays can no longer be cheated by the mamak and pendatang gangs. Mahathir, Shahreezat, Nor Yakcop, Shafie Apdal, Reezal Naina, Ali Hamza, Irwan Serigar, etc etc.

    Tong Sam Pah

  9. Pakatan morons are simple populists, to think after 2008 they need to brag how big the crowd us, UMNO or BN. Does not need to display its strength, looking at the patriots who come to the stadiums is enough to shake the pakatoon foundation, deep down, Lim Guan and Lim Kit Siang squirm in fear as they watch the yellowmand blow waves of Ultra Malayas , Harimat Malayas supporters let alone the supporters of Red Warriors which demonstrate the tenacity of the Malay mainstream loyalty to uts country.

    And the many Chinese Malaysians brag they will walk to austraaalia and ukayyyy if BB wind again, these are the kind of crows the pakatoons have with a sprinkle of blind anglophile malays not unlike Tunku Abdul Aziz who ended sodomized by the tokong and come back crawling to the mainstream Malay he so abhorred.

    1. TAA advise UN Secretary General about ethics and also fight against corruption and be more transparent. Now he has tased Dumno KFC and they are finger licking good and craw back to support DUmno's PKRZ, TNB meters, Cowgate, untender MRTs etc to be one of Ali Baba's 40 thieves.

  10. I like the point of the article, BC. Does having a big crowd at an event reflect support or not? It's a great question. Malaysians like to be part of a crowd, part of the winning team. Both sides try to out-do eachother with the biggest crowd at their events. Truth is, I don't know, and I don't think anyone else really knows, if it really is true support or hot air - we will all find out on election day. But going to these things is part of being a malaysian. Sorry to use your site for advertising, BC, but if anyone would like me to attend a rally (cause not important) please provide me with some decent food - rendang, nasi lemak, fried beehoon, even ramly burger is okay - not lousy vegetarian curry (Open House Penang 2007 - and we know what happened in 2008 don't we Koh Tsu Koon).

  11. Jui Meng lost the MCA presidency. Had he won he would be licking BN. How can you support someone like him? JUst like Anwar. He was kicked out. He didnt resign. 24 hours after he was kicked out he went round the country saying how bad umno is. He was bashing pas and dap right up to the last minute when he was in umno. How can one trust a bastard like him? Only a bastard...

    1. Hahaha.. Good one & sooooo true!!!!

    2. Really ? He bashed up pas and dap ? Did he threaten may 13? Did he steal from the rakyat ? Just because he tried to stop the looting by mamakthir and daim, they rigged the charges against him.

    3. anon 0745
      when you're born 1999? you dont know anwar, king of corruption

    4. If Anwar is King of corruption then MACC is mother of all Kurruption. Apa MACC? Tidor? We pay miilions for they to operate and they are so inaction over Anwar? Dumno!!

    5. Dumno education did not tell you where they get the money from? 20% is direct income tax. Tell Dumno Don't collect this tax since is is kacang putih. Others are indirect tax- makan, clothes etc. Dumno governemnt say they cannot afford to sell cheap petrol and cooking oil and gas which is essential but can afford to pay millions for MACC and only catch rainbow fish.

  12. Vote anwar but lock up your wife, daughters and sons. Husbands too, dont forget. depan boleh belakang boleh.

    1. Hold on tight to your wallets if you vote BN.

    2. Wau amazing la u.. Dont tell us that u hv been holding your wallet tightly since 1957? ? what nonsense r u talking round about??

  13. I have attended ceramahs during the Semangat 46 days. The 46 crowd were scary. the whole kampung and taman attended. The unmo crowd was a laughing matter. But the crowd at the 46 ceramahs were never translated to votes. Why? because voters can think.

  14. PAS friends helped to point out the various local grassroots UMNO leaders in the crowd that nite. Some even bring their family along. All trying to dress down and blend in anonymously of course! Haha

    I was observing some of them during the ceramahs and at key points some of them angguk2 in agreement. Interesting...

    ~ Kluang girl

    1. if i have to go there i will also angguk...but not for agreement but for understanding that what the Pakatan are bunch of loosers...

    2. spell properly first, Loser.

  15. It is the end for Bee End. That's why they try to drag out the elections date and keep announcing projects to their cronies and relatives. Semua orang BN mahu cari makan cepat sebab masa dah sengkat....

  16. BigCat, you don't have to worry about your future under Pakatan. You are not a beneficiary of Umno's thievery. We will go after the hundreds of billions squirreled away in offshore banks and offshore properties. We promise the rakyat that jail awaits those who pad up the usual contracts and skim off the top.

    1. Anon 07:38

      great, anwar name should be first on the list, check how much he hoarding @ S'pore and Indonesia. second check Anwar BF Azmin assests, he could not get all that through selling kerepek, by just over 4 yrs, PR being stealing from all corner, give them another 5 years, they'll beat BN record of corruption flat

    2. When Hadi became MB of Terengannu he said the state govt found lorry loads of wrong doing on the part of the previous BN state govt. But after 5 years not a piece of paper was forwarded to anyone. Look at Selangor now. Clean?

  17. The bgger thieves are the PKR goons... look what happen now in Selangor, Perak (at one time) and Penang... Malayu are being marginalized.

  18. BC ,
    You're doing good.
    The whole bunch of PR commentors are here.
    I think we are having the Helen Ang's and RockyBru's haters together here.


  19. 30,000 people? show us the pics, videos

    i saw pr blogs using old pics, or just pics of the stooges on stage, but no pics of the crowd "on that day"

  20. Desperate BN goons. What do you want ? Instigate another may 13 ?

  21. Don't be scared, BN. Man proposes God disposes.

  22. Apa mau lawan lawan....biarlah PRU13 tentukan siapa yang akan memerintah.

  23. Malayu only? Other races happen long ago. What happen in Selangor? Oh the Goons take the cheap land and selling for millions for themselves that is what all rakyat knows. The land include PKFZ.

  24. bacalah sejarah. ada perjanjian antara cina, india dan melayu sebelum cina dan india mendpt kerakyatan. dah di bahagi warga negara la ni nak plak macam-macam. boleh kekal sekolah jenis kebangsaan amalkan budaya dan guna bahasa ibunda. macam macam lagi kemudahan di bagi boleh cari rezeki dlm negara yang aman sehingga ekonomi dikuasai. apa lagi. lepas ni nak control kuasa dah buat perubahan. termasuk hal hal yang telah disepakati soal agama islam , keisftimewaan orang melayu dan bumiputera dan raja. nak ubah semua. perkudakan orang melayu yang tak sedar diri dimomok momok kan utk jadi pm. ai nak jadi pm hadi awang nak jadi pm. siapa yang untung. kalau tk hati hati kita aka n berpmkan orang bukan islam. cubalah ubah. jangan sampai nanti menang sorak kg tergadai. jgn sampai kita bergaduh dan berbunuh. kalau negara hancur siapakah yang akan rugi. semuanya dan yang pasti siapa yang kaya dan control ekonomi akan meanggung lebih teruk berbanding yanv kurang berada. nampak gaya soal sensitif soal agama bangsa dan kepercayaan sudah tak dihiraukan. jgn alpa dibuai kesenangan hidup dlm negara yng aman tenteram krn kosnya tidak boleb dinilai jika berlaku berantakan. mengalir air mata darah pun x berguna

  25. Winning coalition may not reflect highest number of votes cos of how constituents n seats r configured.
