Sunday 2 September 2012

What's next, Bersih?

First they did this -

and they seems to get away with it....and even turned around and claimed police brutality.

Now they are embolden and did this -

What's next?

I think this person should give a direct answer instead of continuously being a wriggling snake -

Or does this person want to answer for her ?

Come on la Marina, don't be so blind.


  1. Marina aint blind, BC. She is simply a vain, naive woman on an ego trip.She thinks the world revolves around her, as do the other planets and the sun thrown in for good measure.

    Headspun by the spinning orbs encircling her, she has lost all sense of reality. And so she revels in her little delusional niche as life passes by until lo behold one fine day, reality knocks her head and truth whispers into her ears that the falsehood she so endearingly treasured is nothing but the wisps of a delusion. Then she will begin making the right noises and put on new clothes for a change.

    Ambiga? The wriggly snake has no tongue to speak for it has equivocated enough with the fork that it was naturally bequeathed with that there are no other forks or even sub-forks to spin another yarn with. There is nothing else this snake can do as it has been cast aside as other more venomous snakes have taken over the helm.Ambiga the snake has always been running ahead of its reality from the moment it entered the world's oldest and worst profession: lying for a living (yup, prostitutes unlike lawyers/liars have at least a smidgen of morality, at least they make it clear as daylight as to the wares they are selling). It would be expecting too much for a frumpy, has-been fatso of a bitch to suddenly see the reality of her ways and repent in a heartbeat. i doubt she even has the capacity to introspect beyond all that flab and beneath all that guilt and see the evil within. Let her enjoy 15minute warholian fame for beyond the grave hellfire awaits.

    Warrior 231

    1. So the world should revolve around the son of an incestous relationship between brother and sister ? The son who has nothing between the ears but hatred, filthy thoughts and filthy language ?

      Snakes are everywhere...especially those who control the country's resources for their own personal benefit.

  2. Repealing the ISA was a big mistake, bring back the Internal Security Act!

    1. Totally agree with you Eddy , don't forget the EO too

    2. No point having the ISA if the home minister is a wily.

    3. Willy or not HOME MINISTER post is not forever so the ISA is a must ........have ....for we have people who would do anything to become famous???!!!!!

      Name few : golden age women included ....

  3. Wah, equating Ambiga with a snake...hmmmm, typical closet racist and still pretend you are dating a chinaman....shy lah.....

    1. Yeah i suspected for awhile that the Chinaman dating story was invented too...

      But just let Big Cat maintain this cover la for his/her blog. It's entertaining and fun to visit.

      ~ Kluang girl

  4. What's next ? Bersih 4.0 in every town in Bolehland....peaceful assembly is guaranteed under the laws, right ?

    1. Bersih 4.0? Isn't it should be Bersih 5.0? Or maybe Bersih 6.0? Sorry, I lost count.


    2. eeerrrr do your call those yellow Pakatan monkeys is a peaceful assembly , its a dirty political assembly for Pakatan leader who's greedy for power

  5. You said it Eddy, but remember everyone dubbed me a crackpot fascist when I stood by the ISA in Rocky's Bru.

    There is a fine line between civility and chaos in politics. Tread on it constantly and soon that line is smudged and blurred beyond recognition.

    The ISA was that bulwark against anarchy. Malaysian society, no matter how the liberal cranks may aver, was never ever ready nor equipped for civil discourse about ideology, policies etc. Despite all our pretensions to education, access to information etc, the majority are still beholden to ingrained prejudices, snobbish inclinations, holier than thou miens which invariably color and shape their reasoning faculties. The constitution had inbuilt safeguards to stanch any descent into collective hell. It was multi-layered in construct designed to confront the poly-causalities of social strife. We had the Sedition Act, the Emergency Ordinances, ESCAR and ultimately the ISA as tools to manage the irreconcilable dichotomies arising from multi-racialism and multi-culturalism.

    Our smart alecks, on the mistaken notion that we are attuned to the niceties of civil discourse and are aware of the parameters of rational debate, dismantled everything with one fell swoop without enacting alternative legislation of control. They talk about an erudite and informed post-merdeka generation self-censoring and self-controlling the patterns and contents of discourse. I say my shit!

    I am as post-merdeka as anyone out there and I daresay that adults in the 50s, 60s and early 70s were far more erudite, well-versed and exposed to ideological and policy contestations than we lot ever were and yet they operated within the norms of civility dictated as they were by a slew of enactments and Acts that clearly set down the parameters of engagement. Yet you will witness far more quality interactions back then than amongst the current bunch of pretentious preening poseurs and superficial vain scumbags who arrogantly assume themselves to be cultured and knowledgeable purveyors of post-modernism, new Keynesian theory or other such chic ersatz garbage.

    As the holy Prophet (pbuh and hf) once intoned.." at the end of times..fools and idiots will hold sway while the wise retreat into dignified silence and hold their tongue " ...Need I say more?

    Warrior 231

  6. BigCat,

    Marina have been silent for months.

    It is refreshing to stay away from all the dirty politics for a while. You should try this too.

    In America, Obama and Romney is fighting about policies which affect the people. That is why they are much more civilised.

    Rather then talking about Ambiga, Marina, non-stop perhaps politicians or bloggers associated with them should talk something that affect the people more. This is the politics that we want not the dirty/gutter politics.


    1. Haiya old man leave the young people to write what they like lah? Who are you to dictate - tot you believe in freedom of thought and speech.

      Marina is a pampered spoilt brat swollen headed after flattery heaped upon her. She should realise that most of those who shower false praises were doing it to pit her against her famous dad.

  7. i tot the yellow lady isnt involved anymore? Got kicked out by mat sabun?
