Saturday 13 October 2012

Taking it easy, taking it slow....relax, ok?

Woke up too early. The person I'm sharing this hotel room never wakes up after dawn. Already moving around and busy with facebook.

I got nothing to do and thus this posting.

Been out of the loop the past few days. Quite fed up with the political scene and decided to ignore it for awhile. 

Actually, there are many other more important things in life than politics. Like feeding our family, passing our examinations, going fishing, falling in love, going jogging etc etc. True, isn't it?

The Pakatan people  are trying to tell us to breath, eat, drink politics, so they can keep the momentum of hate towards the government till election. But what are there to really hate? Najib has proven himself to be doing everything possible to clean things up. I know, still not good enough, but give him a strong mandate in the election, and I'm confident he will get it done properly. Anyway, what are the option? You really want Anwar to become PM? What are the best thing he had done other than promising this and promising that? Do you really want Kit Siang to be deputy PM? Mat Sabu as education minister? Yes, some of the BN ministers are clowns but the Pakatan ones are going to be even more crap lah.

Never mind. I think I have said enough of that for today. Today I just want to rest.  Read a book. And maybe later go to the beach and watch the sunset. That's better than worrying about all those jokers trying to wreck the country. Today I'm going to take a break from all that.

I think you all should do the same. Relax a bit ok. Stop being too stressed up. Take it easy.

What? BN people robbing the country? Really? Hmmm...then how come the country is still functioning relatively well these past half century under these gang of BN robbers' rule? How come we are not bankrupt yet? How come there are still crooked BN people dragged to court and thrown into jail by the evil BN police and court? How come the oppressed Pakatan leaders like Thresa Kok and Karpal Singh can still win legal suits in BN controlled kangaroo courts? How come the same courts could acquit Anwar of sodomy and other stuff? How come the oppressed Anwar and gang can have so much fun flying here and there in a private jet?

See, if we think about politics all the time, we will never get to anywhere or get anything properly done. So, I'm going to spend this weekend finishing off this book. 

Ok. You all have a nice weekend too ya. Cheers :-)


  1. Big Cat small pussy - real DUMNO. When BN rob & steal, they do not show all the edvidence. They just leave all the leftovers. Just like a big dinner. They eat all the KFC finger licking good. Big cat small pussy are like beggers, very happy with all the left overs in the bones and the salvia in the bones left behind by BN.

  2. let's not talk politics. let's bash Pakistan. let's defend BN crooks. memang kuching kurap.

  3. Let's not talk politics, Kuching Kurap. Let's talk economics.

    In 1965, when Singapore was kicked out of the federation, it had 2 million people sitting on a rock. It was nothing more than a trading outpost, with a small entrepot port. Malaysia then was the world's biggest producer of tin, rubber and pepper. Subsequently, Malaysia found oil and gas, and became a net exporter of oil, plus LNG. Malaysia also became the world's largest producer of raw timber and palm oil.

    If you are a student of economics (maybe your shallow brain won't allow you) you will ask the basic question of how Singapore could now become AAA rated (by international agencies, not by some kurap local agencies here), has a per capita income higher than Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong, has reserves exceeding US$400 billion, and maintains budget surpluses over the years.

    In contrast, Malaysia runs a consistent budget deficit, borrowings (including contingent liabilities) have far exceeded the ceiling of 55 pct set by law, on the watchlist by international agencies for possible downgrade and has a black economy far larger than the legal economy. How could these happen ?

    The answer is corruption. Pass the blame to others. When Mamakthir lost in the Maminco scandal, he blamed others for changing the rules. When Mamakthir lost in the forex speculation, he blamed Soros, and then he promoted the guy responsible for the RM 30 billion loss into a full minister. When BMFL tried to play ball with a chinaman in Hong Kong, Petronas had to bail the bank out not once but twice.

    You want to defend your corrupt political masters, you better learn some basic economics, instead of arguing "we are still alright" or "life is still good". You want to be a champion goreng pisang seller, you just say so, don't have to denigrate those who want to aim much much higher.

    Have you ever asked yourself this week about the RM 40 million donation to Sabah UMNO ? Why did the funds have to go through the Isle of Man, Geneva, Hong Kong, and then smuggled out of Hong Kong in hard cash and in Singapore dollars ? Do you even have a sense of smell, Kuching Kurap ?

    1. Ok lah. You win. Singapore is great. Malaysia is lousy. Once Pakatan takes over Putrajaya, and Anwar is PM, Kit Siang is DPM, and Mat Sabu is Education Minister,there will be no more corruption and everything will be honky dory like in Singapore. Tip top. Happy?
      Now, I'm going back to finish reading my book. Jangan kacau kacau lagi. Stress sangat can get hernia, ok?

    2. hahaha...tu lah sikap BN...dun worry be happy...mana ade masalah....

    3. Voting Pakatan won't make Malaysia like Singapore, I don't know where Pakatan supporters get this premise.

    4. who talks about making Malaysia like Singapore ? we are talking about having clean and efficient government.

    5. Like in Selangor and Penang?CAT and all that?

    6. singapore thrive in 1960s-1970s due to British have use them as port and not developed any port able to compete with them during british rule.. what do you think that goes through Singpore port? Malaysia's Tin, timber and what not.... We have to develop few ports in peninsular to compete when all already establish in Singpore...
      Singapore should thank Malaysia for having being bless with malaysian produce items. be it Oil& Gas, Palm Oil, electronics etc...

  4. You want to know why we haven't gone bankrupt yet ? The answer lies with the 30 pct of the population. Yes, the 30 pct that pays taxes and carries the 70 pct. Without the 30 pct, the 70 pct would be competing with Indonesia and Philippines to export their womenfolk as maids. The 30 pct is dwindling. In 10 years it will dwindle to 20 pct.....then you will see....

  5. BobCat, allow me to make satu janji yang boleh ditepati. Should Pakistan fail in it's duties to the rakyat and steals from the rakyat like BN did, I will campaign against Pakatan at the succeeding GE. We will keep changing governments until we get the government we want and deserve.

    1. That should be the way. If a company does not performed, it should not be function. But now, where does the government of the day get the money from? From PM/UMNO's pocket? NO - from rakyat - the taxes we paid and also from oil, gas. They do not belong to the royal or UMNO but rakyat. Kelantan, sabah, sarawak deserve to have sligtly more share but other states should also get some of the revenue. But DUMNO paid bloggers to claim that is the government is also DUMNO. But look it all the democratic countries, government will change if they are not performing. Look greece, they change Government because the new government has to bring back jobs and remove recessions.

  6. Anwar as the next PM...God forbid.No way this sodomite aka "Kote Bengkok" would be our next PM. Cant imagine our next PM is also known as a porn prime minister, his crooked assets is well publicised in the Internet. Malulah...

    1. CSL is the porn MCA leader, his crooked CD is well published in the Internet. Are you malu because you are a Malaysian or are you NOT malu because you are a Malay.

  7. I pun tengah relax tapi terfikir2 juga... kenapa eh LKS, Karpal dan TGNA sampai tua, dah berapa kali tukar ganti Perdana Menteri BN tapi tak siapa pun have the confidence to vote them in? There must be some ingredients tak cukup ke? Oh ya.... their secret ingredient is Anwar, alamak seram rasa bulu ruma saya!

    Anon 23:29
    Singapore tu, agaknya tidur pun bertilamkan duit rich isssh bestnya! Habis tu, what the hell are you still lingering around Malaysia... cepat... migrate to Singapore and get rich!! Why pening2 kepala duk tunggu kat sini lagi?

  8. Mr 4.14 which planet do you come from? The 30% who you say pay tax, makes money in this country, and make a big deal about paying tax! Hey, dunggu, that the norm any where in the world. You make money you pay tax. You flaunt your money and you think you own this country.

    Please dont bother to reply, I know your type to well.

    Same goes to that dunggu who glorifies a pop & mom biz with no social responsibility.

    I predict a whole bunch of disinfrencish (did i get the spelling right) people will sing a different tune after the next GE.

  9. What Pakatan corrupt? It doesnt matter ma as long the malay are not our leader Ma.. All the corruption and oppression doing by Malay ma... Malay oppress Cina ma..tu sebab penduduk cina 30% pegang ekonomi 70% sebab Malay sangat malas dan jahat opress Cina ma (statitic by anon 13 Oct 4.14). We should follow negeri selatan Ma...(anon 12 oct 23:29) Yes najib should follow itu negeri selatan kasi bangkarap sama opposition or satu sekolah satu bahasa ma (Enlishhhh medium) Dong what what ma.. And bila pencen sudah tua tara guna datang malaysia duduk old folks ma. Cant afford ma..too expensive at Singapork..Malaysia still cheap ma... Thanks God i live in Malaysia..with my 'ciput' salary i still can own comfortable house (4 rooms) and car ..if not forever in pigeon flat ma..

    1. your ciput salary is because your UMNO masters take the cream from you. that's why u drive proton and they drive Bentley. that's why u live in 4 bedroom house while they live in 25 room mansions with their 4 wives.

    2. ha ha..pity who got big salary stil live in pigeon flat ma...Bentley? Not interested..UMNO never will be my master... God is my master..

    3. one more thing ma..i've drive Nissan Maxima not proton ma..dont put your ugly mind by thinking I'm UmNO sponsored..I put kena bangun pagi kerja toreh getah and jual kelapa sawit ma..Harga manyak tinggi lo.. May be my duit berkat ma..titik peluh sendiri.. Lu duit pun banyak berkat ma.kerja sendiri tarak ampu2 atau condem2 orang ma..
